Hank x Swat M Reader (part 4)

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(F/c) = favorite console.)

Your p.o.v.

Driving up to my old house felt weird. It's only been a few days but still. I grabbed my duffle bag.
Getting out of my car and walking up to the door taking a deep breath I turned the lock and pushed the door open.
As the door opened I got hit with the smell of alcohol, cigarettes, and weed. Walking into the house was even more terrible, especially after closing the door behind me.
Looking around it looked the same. Dirty dishes were everywhere, clothing is thrown around, food and liquids were all over the walls, and there were condoms on the floor!

Yuck, disgusting!

I walked up to my old room and pushed the door slightly. No one was in there thank God.
More clothing, dishes, and condoms.

Jeez, Ambe is more of a slut than I thought. Turning on the light I looked in the closet, all my stuff was in there so that's good. I grabbed all my clothing and put them in my duffle bag as neatly as possible.
Grabbing my other pair of shoes I put them in the bag too. I exited the room and looked at the tv, it wasn't on but I walked closer and saw my (f/c).

I'm so glad it's still there! I grabbed all the cords and the console. Walking back out to my car I put all the stuff in the back seat and headed back inside to grab all my games. Once I did all of that I closed the front door and hopped back inside my car and drove to Hank's house which now is my house too.

Third-person p.o.v.

Once you got home you parked in the driveway and stretched feeling your back pop which felt nice.
You got out of your car and carried all your stuff inside. You were greeted by Sumo.
"Hi, Sumo baby." You exclaimed. You put (f/c) by the tv with the games and sat on the couch and took off your boots.
Sumo jumped onto the couch next to you and kissed his forehead.
He licked your cheek and barked happily. Looking at the clock you read it was 10:59. You got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. Looking at the sink which was filled with dirty dishes, you sighed and turned on the water, and started cleaning the dishes.
You hummed to a tune in your head as you washed and dried them.

(Little while later.)

After finishing the dishes you looked at the time again and it was 11:27. There was still so much time till Hank and Connor got home. You sighed heavily and walked to the couch. Taking off your vest, and shirt you placed them by your bag and lay back on the couch.
"Urg, why has today been so weird today?" You asked yourself.
There was no answer but that was fine. You take off your pants and socks, throwing them with the rest of your stuff. Getting under the blanket you closed your eyes and drift into a soft sleep.

Hank's p.o.v.

I hope (y/n) is okay.
He seemed out of it today.
Maybe I can do something about that to make him happier. As I stared at my computer I couldn't help but think of when Gavin pulled out that gun on (y/n).
It scared me the most. But (y/n)'s reaction was so blank that, that was the scariest part.
"Um, Lieutenant? Are you okay?" Connor asked snapping me out of my trance. I looked up at him and nodded.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking. That's all."
"Are you sure? You never act like this Lieutenant. Is it about (y/n)? Connor questioned.
I had to think for a second about that question if I wanted to answer it.
"Yeah Con. It is about (y/n). I worry about him so much and I don't know why. But just seeing him like that. Like he didn't care about living when he told Gavin to shoot him, it scared me." I confessed to Connor.

"Lieutenant, the reason why you care about him so great is that you love and adore him so much that you would do anything for him," Connor explained.
Connor was right about that. I would do anything for (y/n). And maybe I am getting attached to him. I do love him. I love everything about him. His hair, lips, voice, body, just everything. I can't get over him.
"Yeah, your right Connor. I do love him. I would do anything for him.  But I just don't know how to show it to him that I do." I replied.
"Well, that's up to up Lieutenant to figure that out." Connor said. I just nodded and tried to get some work done until lunchtime.

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