Hank x Swat M reader (part 5)

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Your p.o.v.

I felt a buzzing in my pocket waking me up.
Opening my eyes I got a massive headache and held my head. Reaching for my pocket I pulled out my phone and answered it.
"H-hello?" I answered quietly trying not to wake Hank up.
"Hey, we need you right now! There's an emergency!"
It was Captain Allen. I looked at the clock.
"Okay, I'll be there in five Captain." I responded.
Getting out of bed quietly as possible.

Trying not to wake up Hank again.

As I stood up I felt dizzier but got myself together and got dressed. But this time I had to put on my extra gear. More protection, meaning more chest gear, leg gear, and arm gear. I also put on my helmet.
My phone buzzed for a quick second and it was Captain Allen sending me the location to where there was the emergency. I went to grab my keys out from the coffee table in the living room but didn't see them. I heard footsteps behind me to see Connor with my keys.
"Looking for these?" Connor asked. "Yeah. I'm needed at work like right now." I replied roughly.
"Well be happy I walked to Jimmy's bar and got your car for you and brought it back home in the middle of the night." Connor stated with a smirk tossing me my keys.
"Thanks" I uttered before running out the front door and jumping in my car and driving off.

Once getting to the scene I jumped out of my car and saw there were many helicopters and other of my coworkers with snipers.
I already knew it was android related. We already dealt with an android last month named Daniel.
But mostly everyone heard about that story.

Running into the building I got into the elevator and tapped my foot rapidly growing anxious. Once getting to the top floor I ran out of the elevator and up to Captain Allen.
"Captain Allen I'm here. Sorry for being a bit late."
"It's fine. I'm guessing you already know the story." Captain pronounced sharply.
"Yes, sir." I murmured.
"Well, we need an idea and we can't get an android because of Cyberlife." He yelled out of anger.
"I have an idea. But it might cost me my life." I voiced walking away and towards the android. Taking off my helmet and taking out my guns I laid them on the floor and headed out for the outside.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I heard Captain Allen yell at me as he grabbed my wrist.
"I'm doing my job. Protecting and saving people Captain."

I walked out towards the android.

Instantly as I walked out the deviant fired her gun as the bullet flew past my left upper arm causing the bullet to cut my shirt and my arm making blood trickle down and partially soak into my sleeve.
"C'mon (y/n), come back." Captain Allen said under his breath. But I had to ignore him.
From what I can see she's an AP700 with dark skin and black hair pulled back in a ponytail.
"Hello!" I tried to yell over the helicopters.
"Wh-what do you want!?" The deviant screamed back.
"You need to let go of the kid!" I replied slowly walking towards her.

Seems like the android took "inspiration" from Daniel. 

The android was holding a girl around 11 years old. The girl had black hair and blue eyes with tan skin and was shorter than most other kids. Hearing the gun again, it shot and the bullet went by my upper abdomen also cutting my shirt and clipping my skin as the blood ran down my waist and soaked into my shirt more.
"Let that kid go and no one will get hurt!"
"The humans hurt me! I can't trust you!" The deviant implied.
"I don't have a gun, see. I won't harm you. I promise I'm unarmed." I said putting my arms and hands up. Also, remember that all my stuff is inside the building.
"Now come on and let the kid go." I said walking towards the android more.
"You have to trust me. That's the only way." I expressed.

The android slowly let the kid go and the girl ran to one of my swat members. I walked up to the deviant and hugged her. She slowly hugged back and started to cry.
"I'm sorry," I whispered in her ear.
"Uh? What do you me-?" Before she could finish I twisted out her thirium pump as she looked at me in disbelief.
"I thought I could trust y-" She partly said before she fell to the ground turning off. I threw down her pump by her as Captain Allen and my other colleagues ran out to check on me.
"I'm fine. I'm not that hurt."
"You know your crazy (y/n). But that's what I like about you." Captain Allen commented.
"Thank you, Captain." I said with a little bow.
"You need to go down to the ambulance. They'll patch you up." He spoke.
"Yes, Captain." I responded.
Walking back and grabbing my helmet and guns I put my guns in their holsters and carried my helmet with me to the elevator. But I didn't go to the ambulance. I went straight to my car and placed my helmet in the passenger seat and once I turned on my car Knights of the Black Death came on. I turned up the radio and drove home slowly enjoying the ride and music. I know Hank wouldn't like this but I pulled out my pack of cigarettes and took one from the pack and grabbed out my lighter, lighting it. I rolled down my window and blew out the toxic smoke with a sigh.

Once I got home it was 4:02 and I heard Sumo barking from the backyard. I grabbed my helmet and walked up to the front porch and threw my cigarette on the ground stomping it out.
I opened the front door to see Connor letting Sumo in and Hank sitting on the couch.
"Morning." I said quietly placing down my helmet.
Hank looked at me and once he realized it was me he ran up to me me me and gave me a huge hug.
"(Y/n)! Where were you? You scared me." Hank said loudly as he let go of the looked me while holding my upper arms. I winced at the pain in my left upper arm.
"I got called by Captain Allen. Sorry I didn't have time. But um can you let go of my left arm. It kinda hurts." I responded. Hank looked at my arm as it had dried blood and had started to scab up.
"W-what happened?!" Hank yelled.
"I got shot. But I'll be fine. Just need to patch me up." I explained.
I slowly walked to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit and walked back to the living room and sat on the couch as Hank sat need to me.
Taking off my gloves I placed them on the coffee table and started to take off all my other gear. Sumo then jumped on the couch and laid his head on my lap and whimpered.
"It's okay Sumo. I'm okay." I voiced patting his head. I looked over at Hank to see him staring at me.
"Hey, Hank. You okay?"
"Um yeah. I'm good." Hank answered back looking away.

Taking off my shirt I hissed in from my blood making my shirt stick to my side. I placed my shirt on the floor and grabbed a cotton ball from the first aid kit then poured a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on it. It stung but I wiped off the extra blood and then put some bandages over it. The next scar is harder to get to.
"Hey, Hank. Can you clean this one for me?" I asked softly as it looked like he was in a dreaming mood. He didn't hear me so I softly shook him. Hank then looked at me with a confused face.
"You sure you're okay Hank?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. Did you need something?"
"Can you clean this cut for me, please?" I asked kindly.

Once Hank looked at me without a shirt his face went all red.
Hank grabbed a new cotton ball and soaked it with the hydrogen peroxide then started cleaning and wiping the area. But then I noticed that my blood ran into my boxers.
I think that Hank also noticed it too as he stopped halfway down to my hips. I thought I thoughts will be a good time to tease him.
"Is everything good Hank?" I asked hiding my smirk.
"Y-yeah. Everything is good." Hank replied. His face looked redder. As Hank kept cleaning the blood off of me he brushed the inside of my leg when he was getting a new cotton ball.

Hank's p.o.v.

"Thank you, again for everything, Hank." (Y/n) said with rosy cheeks.
"You're always welcome." I replied.

I got up from the couch to put away the stuff.
(Y/n) also got up from the couch and headed into our room.

I'm assuming to change into different clothing. Sumo was still on the couch waiting for us to come back. I went up to Sumo and petted him for a bit before I heard (y/n)'s footsteps. He came out in one of my hoodies.
"You like my hoodies much?" I asked with a laugh.
"Yeah. I like that they're comfy and big." (Y/n) said as he sat next to me.
"I'm glad you like them."

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