Young Hank x Male reader (part 1)

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(Little bit about the story. You're Elijah Kamski's son and you meet Hank, Hank is 33 and still a Detective and you're 27. But in this story, there is a warning. There are self-harm and suicide. (f/f)= favorite food)

Third-person p.o.v.

You were coming home after being gone for a while.
You had gone to a few different states to help everyone learn and program all these new Androids and it was a big hassle.

You finally got home.
Detroit looked a little different from all the androids, but it didn't bug you.

You got out of your car and headed for the front door. You knocked on the door to see if anyone was home. The door slowly opened and you have seen Chloe.
"Hey, Chloe." You say smiling, happy to be home.
"Oh, hi (y/n)! You're finally back home!" Chloe smiled letting you in and closing the door behind you.
Nothing changed at all at home, but you were glad about that.

Your p.o.v.

Walking into the home felt nice.

Being gone for that time felt... strange.

I walked into the other room where the pool is and there was my dad. He looked my way and smiles.
"(Y/n) it's so nice to have you home again." He says walking up to hug me.
I hug him back.
"It's nice to be back home dad." He releases me from the hug.
"We also have two visitors coming over later." Dad informs me while facing back towards the window while I raise my eyebrow.
"Um, who are these two "people" you're talking about?"
"They're from the Detroit Police Department. One's Detective Hank Anderson. The other is an android named Connor. They'll be coming around at 6:30 ish"

Dad replies still looking through the window. I nod and look at the floor.
"Well, are they having dinner with us? Just asking because that's the usual time we have dinner." I see my dad nodded.
"Hank said he'll have dinner with us." I nod and say okay quietly.
"Well I'm going to get a little something from the kitchen and I'll be in my room if you need me."
"Okay have fun. I'll get you when they get here"
I hear dad say as I walk away. I get a little snack from the kitchen and eat it on my way to my room. After eating my snack I lie on my bed and slowly fall asleep.

Hank's p.o.v.

It's around 6:15 now. We should start heading to Kamski's house.
"C'mon Connor. We need to start heading to Kamski's house." I see Connor nod as he gets out of his chair and follows me out to my car.

(Getting to Kamski's house.)

Connor and I get to Mr. Kamski's house. It looks like a nice house, probably expensive.
We both get out of the car and head for the front door knocking on it.

Also noticing there are two other cars out front.
Probably his and I think he said his son was home, so probably his son's. The door opens and we see a young girl answer the door.
"Hello, you must be Mr. Anderson. Please come in, Elijah has been waiting for you two." I nod smiling thanking her as we both walk in and she closes the door behind us.
We walk into a different room and there sat Kamski.
"Hello there Mr. Kamski."
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson." He says while walking up to me giving me a handshake.
"Chloe, if you don't mind can you show these two gentlemen where the kitchen is, dinner should be ready, I need to wake up (y/n)." Chloe nods as she shows us to the kitchen, and I'm guessing that (y/n) is his son.

Third-person p.o.v

Elijah walks to your room to wake you up. He opens your door a little bit to see if you were awake, and not to his surprise you were still sleeping.
He walked into your room and shook you awake.
"Hey come on get up." You groaned opening your eyes and sitting up rubbing your eyes.
"They're already here?" You said kinda complaining.
"Yes, it's 6:38." Your dad responded. You sigh as you say okay and your dad heads out letting you dress in something kinda nice.
After getting dressed you walk out of your room and head for the kitchen.

Your p.o.v

I wish I didn't have to wake up. I was having such a peaceful sleep.
As I walk into the kitchen that's when I see Hank Anderson...

Damn, he's good-looking!

I could feel my facing heating up, I could tell I was blushing a lot.
I put my hand up to my face and it was kinda warm. My dad was talking to Mr. Anderson about whatever, then my dad turned around and sees me.
"Hank this is my son (y/n). He was gone away helping others learn about androids." My dad says while he makes me walk up to where they both are. Hank puts out his hand and I shake it.
"It's very nice to meet you, (y/n)." I nod and smile
"It's very nice to meet you too Mr. Anderson."

We all sit down at the table and Chloe sets down our plates with (f/f) on it. Chloe also sets down a glass of water for all of us.
I see the other android named Connor, I could tell he started to scan me, which started to make me panic because I didn't want him to see my scars if he scanned. Hank lightly hit Connor's elbow making him stop scanning me which made me relieved.

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