Young Hank x Male reader (part 2)

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(Warning: self-harm, suicide)

Hank's p.o.v.

I bumped Connor's elbow making him stop scanning (y/n).
I could tell he was getting kinda weirded out by it.
Connor just looked at me and nodded. (Y/n) look pretty young, but also I know Mr. Kamski had him at a young age. But also Elijah is older than me. I think he's 44.
"Hey, (y/n)? I have a question. How old are you?"
"Oh, I'm 27, just turned a little while ago." He chuckled with a smile.
"Yeah, so I had this little shit when I was 17" I hear Elijah say.
"H-hey I'm not that bad!" We all chuckled, eating our food while chatting about whatever.
After finishing our food (y/n) got up and took the plates, placing them in the sink.
"Does anyone want dessert?" (Y/n) says taking out some bowls.
"Um, sure. I think I have enough room for some."
(Y/n) nods giving a smile. His smile is so cute. W-wait cute..? Hank, what are you think?
He's an adult, but I highly doubt he is into me like that.
"Okay, so we have Chocolate, cookie dough, vanilla, and strawberry. (Y/n) says looking in the freezer than at us.
"I'll just have my normal vanilla." Elijah says while (y/n) looks at me.
"Um, I'll have cookie dough." I finally say.

(Y/n) nods while taking out the vanilla, cookie dough, then the strawberry, guessing that the strawberry is for him.

He closes the freezer, grabs the ice cream scoop and opens the tubs of ice cream, and scoops all our ice cream into the bowls.
After he did all of that he passed out our bowls and put the tubs away. He hands us our spoons and we all eat our ice cream.
Suddenly (y/n)'s phone goes off. He looks at his phone and answers it. I listen a little into the conversation. All (y/n) said yes and okay. He ended the call and put his phone on the table.
"Who was that (y/n)?"
"It was just my boyfriend. It wasn't anything good. Just asking something." (Y/n) replied depressingly with a sigh.
We all finish our ice cream and (y/n) does the same as the plates, putting the bowls in the sink. I got up from the table and pushed in my chair and Connor did the same.
Elijah got out of his chair and gave me a handshake.
"Well, it was very nice to talk to you and meet you, Mr. Anderson." Elijah said in a strong voice.
"It was nice to meet you too. And (y/n) it was very nice to meet you too." He walks toward me and gives me a soft handshake, unlike his fathers.

I and Connor say our last goodbyes and wave, heading towards the door and towards the car starting it up and heading back home.

Elijah's p.o.v.

Well, it was a good time having Hank over, but there was one little problem. I could tell that (y/n) was falling for Hank.
I can't let that happen. Hank's 33 and (y/n)'s 27. I know he's an adult but I don't like the gap.
"Wait, dad, did you give Hank that big yellowish envelop?" I hear (y/n) as I give a low frustrated sigh.
"No, I forgot. Can you take it to the police station tomorrow for me please?" I see him nod. He starts walking to his room but I stop him by grabbing his wrist. He looks at me with some pain.

"And don't start falling for Hank! I don't want to see you look at him like that ever again!"
"Let me go! You're hurting me! And I can't help it! Love is love and I'm an adult!" I get so angry that I smack him across the face causing a maroon red color to appear.

I let his wrist go realizing what I did. He starts tearing up as I go to say something he runs off to his room slamming the door as I hear the click from him locking it.

Third-person p.o.v.

As you locked your door your phone started going off. It was your boyfriend, he starts texting you awful names.

He started texting; go kill yourself, I hope you get killed; and so on.

All that did was make your stress higher and higher.

You then got out your box of razor blades and got one out, rolling up your sleeve and pressing the blade on your skin.
You dragged the blade across your skin as the silver turned into red, as your blood ran down your arm. You repeated it over and over and over again.

You started feeling light-headed. You put down the blade and looked down at your phone turning it on. You knew that you and your boyfriend were done. You blocked him. 

You set your phone for 7:30, knowing that's when Hank would probably get there at. You got you some bandages and started wrapping your arm, didn't bug cleaning it, just wrapped it up and rolled your sleeve back down and lied in bed, charging your phone, and drifted into a super deep sleep.

dbh x reader (Mostly Male)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang