Gavin x New Male Android (Part 5)

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(Warning: self-harm)

Third-person p.o.v.

You watched Vanessa take out a bottle of a clear liquid.

You scanned the bottle of the substance.
It was GHB. It's a depressive drug that makes you tired, forget and make you confuses about a lot of things.

You had no idea what to do, so you got up and headed toward the bathroom. As you were heading towards the bathroom. Gavin just opened the door and walked out.
"Gavin we need to talk about Vanessa." You said super quietly.
"What do you mean (y/n)?" Gavin gave you the weirdest face.
"She put something in your drink. I saw it. She put GHB in your drink." You said in a panicked tone while still trying to be quiet.

"She would never do that. Are you going crazy or something?" Gavin looked at you crazily.
"N-no. I swear I saw her do it." Gavin just rolled his eyes and walked past you. You were going to say something else but it was no use.
You knew he wasn't going to believe you. As Gavin walked away you got a stinging feeling in your eyes again. That's when you realized you were crying.
This emotion was new.
You didn't remember breaking the red wall.
Then you wiped away your tears and headed towards the guest bedroom where you couldn't be seen by Gavin or Vanessa.

Gavin's p.o.v.

I think (y/n) might be going crazy, I swear.
He thinks Vanessa put some stuff in my drink.

As I went to sit back down next to Vanessa I expected to see (y/n) still there but he wasn't. I didn't even hear him walk away to...the guest bedroom I'm guessing.
I mean he was in his socks but still, you'd think to hear him walking away. I drink my beer and looked at Vanessa. She does look really pretty tho.

"Is something wrong Gavin?" I shack my head.
"N-no. Sorry I was staring." I smile and so does Vanessa. I go to get up and take all the cans to the bottle bins and as I get up I felt dizzy and I stumbled a bit.

Walking back to the couch was worse. I felt extremely dizzy.
After getting to the couch I sat down and held my head.
"Ow, my head. Why does it hurt so much?!" Vanessa put her hand on my back and I looked up at her. I felt like I was blacking out.
"Maybe we should get you to your room. I think that would be best." I just nod at Vanessa's comment. I feel her pull me up and I put my arm around her shoulder. I blacked out for a few seconds and found myself lying on my bed with Vanessa sitting on the side of the bed. I blacked out again as my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Then I opened my eyes everything moving around, all dizzy, and to find Vanessa on top of me on my crotch.
"" I tried to push her off but I felt so weak, that I couldn't even sit up. She then started to kiss and lick my neck. I tried so hard to push her off but it just wasn't working.
"" I hated this feeling. I closed my eyes hoping everything would stop. She stopped licking and kissing my neck but then she started grinding on me.
I groaned, not from pleasure but pain. Everything hurt and I mean everything. I closed my eyes tighter and then I didn't feel anything.


I slowly opened my eyes to not see her anymore.
I looked over to see (y/n) holding Vanessa's hair. (Y/n) was saying something but I couldn't even hear a damn thing. I didn't even care at this point now because I knew (y/n) would do something about it. I closed my eyes and passed out.

Your p.o.v.

I was gripping Vanessa but her hair real tightly.
"Now listen to me. You ever come to the station again or even here again and I'll rip you apart limb by limb. You hear me?!"
"Yes, yes, yes! Just let me go!" I let go of her hair pushing her roughly. She ran out of the room and out of the apartment.
I looked over at Gavin to see him sleeping. I sighed to myself and covered Gavin with a blanket and walked out back to the guest room letting him sleep.
I took off my jacket, tie, and a button-up shirt, folding them nicely and placing them on top of the dresser. I plopped myself on the bed and lay down on the bed not even worrying about putting on pajamas. I stared at the fan wondering if everything will be okay soon.

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