Connor x Male Reader (part 2)

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You all three walked into the strip club. Looking around at all the androids.
Hank walked over to talk to the owner.

While Hank was doing that you and Connor walked over to where the murder happened. You followed Connor and stayed close to him, you kind of felt...scared to be close to Hank after what had happened.

You watch as Connor scanned around the room.
"So what do you think happened Connor?" You ask softly.
"It looks to me that the victim was strangled," Connor said with a concerned face. Hank walked in behind you giving you a little startled.

"So what's happened so far?" Hank asked.
"The victim was strangled and we're guessing one of the androids did it." Connor replayed.
You walk over to the one android lying on the floor who died or was killed and you kneel.
"Hey, Connor. Do you think we could reboot this android right here?" You ask getting an idea of what to do.
Connor kneels beside you.
"I can try to get it to work. But it might only stay on for a few seconds." Connor put in the socket and it rebooted up.
"Can you tell me what happened?" Connor quickly asked.
"There was a different Traci there were two of us. I didn't do it!" The Traci said quickly before shutting down.
"Damn. We didn't get a lot out of that. I mean a little." You said while looking at Connor and then at Hank
"So now what do we do?" Hank says with an annoyed tone.

"If the Traci walked out of this room then some of the other androids had to of seen her!" Connor looks at you with a surprised face.
"(Y/n) you're smart!" Connor says standing up. You stand up with Connor and follow him with Hank following close behind. You walk up to the owner of the place and ask
"Do you think you can open some of these tanks? If you can we'll be able to find the android" The owner nods and follows Connor to each one that needs to be opened.

After opening a lot of tubes you guys finally figured out where they went. You guys get to the door and Connor goes to open it.
"Stand behind me," Hank says pulling out his gun. Hank quickly pushes the door open and goes through it.
Hank and Connor look to see if they can find the android. You just walk out to the back where it was open and just stand in the rain.
All of a sudden you hear the sounds of metal and shoes hitting the concrete.

You take out your gun and see two Traci's running at you. The blue-haired Traci punches you square in the face making you lose your balance and instantly getting a bloody nose.
You fall on your back losing your gun, you see the blue-haired Traci take it.

Getting up and turning around to the androids way. But she didn't know that you had another one.
Connor was being pushed and shoved by the other Traci and Hank was trying to help.

You took out your other gun and shot the blue-haired Traci with a loud bang. The three looked at you with a shocked looks on their face. The other Traci ran over and held the android on the ground, just lying there, dead.

Hank and Connor walked up beside you, you felt like you were blacking out. But you still stood up. The Traci android started talking but you couldn't tell what she was saying. You felt like you were deaf. Then all three of you saw the Traci shoot herself with a loud band as well, then you felt like you could hear again, you could hear the rain and the sounds of the androids components sparking.

"WHY DID YOU SHOOT IT!?" Hank yells at you. You just stood there, eyes starting to water up.
"I-I-I don't know. I don't know why!" You start breathing heavily. 
"(Y/n) It's okay. Come on. I'll get you in the car and Hank will explain to the owner what happens." Hank nods and all three of you start heading back inside.

Hank explains and Connor takes you to the car. Connor cleans up your bloody nose and calms you down.
"I'm sorry Connor I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to!"
Connor puts a hand on your shoulder with a smile.
"It's okay. You don't need to worry. They were just androids." Connor sighs.

Hank slowly walks to the car and gets in with a huff.
"Can I have the keys?" Hank says. You hand him the keys and he starts up the car and drives off.

-Skip to back home-

Sluggishly everyone walked inside.
No one wanted to talk about anything that had happened.
Hank went to his room shutting his door.

You stepped to your room and put on better clothes for bed.
Peaking out of your door Connor stayed put by the front door.

"Hey, Connor. If you want you can sleep on the couch. I know it's not too comfy but it's better than you standing all night long." You told him.

"If it's alright then I shall lay on the couch for tonight." Connor replied, going to the couch.

Slowly everyone when to sleep but Connor.

"Maybe being deviant wouldn't be a bad thing."

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