Gavin x New Male Android (part 2)

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Gavin's p.o.v.

I have no idea why I decided to bring (y/n) home. But I guess I have no choice but to be nice sometimes, I guess.

As soon as we get to the car I see his light go yellow and stay like that.
"Is everything okay (y/n)?"
"Yeah, everything is okay."

He just sounds really tired. I mean hell, it was his first day and he's already got torn apart. But I still hate him. He still makes me mad with all the questions and waiting for my fucking commands.

I feel like I could destroy him, even tho I felt bad for him early.

Once we get to my apartment we walked in and take the elevator and he follows me to my room. It's not too small but comfy.
(Y/n) looks around in my living room and walks towards the window moving the curtains slightly. I just know we're high up. We're on the 32nd floor. He sighs and walks away sitting on the couch, his LED still yellow.

"Hey, are you sure your okay?" I ask him walking over to him and sitting next to him. He slowly looks up at me.
"Yeah, I'm just... Just tired. That's all. It's already been a hard day." He says looking away slowly. I swear it looks like he's going to cry.

"I'm going to get some pajamas on and I'll be back. Okay?"
All (y/n) does is nod, while still looking at the floor.
I get up and head my way to my room to change. After changing I walk back to see that (y/n) had taken off his shoes and that he was lying on the couch with his eyes closed.

Couldn't tell if he was asleep or not.

"Hey, you still awake?" (Y/n) nods, his LED back to blue. He opens his eyes as his (y/e/c) shines brightly from the moon shining on them.
"Well if you want..." I start to say thinking if I want to ask this stupid question. I don't want him to get too attached to me.
"Do you want me to get you a blanket and pillow? And if you want I'll give you some of my old pajamas." He looks up at me and gives me another one of his little tiny smiles.
"Sure, that would be nice." I nod and walk away getting the stuff for him. I come back to see he put his shoes away nicely by the door and he folded up his jacket and shirt, putting them on the little table next to the couch.

"Hey here's your stuff, tin can."
He takes it, putting down the pillow and blanket first then heads to the bathroom to change. I didn't want to look at him shirtless. I could tell he had a little bit of a six-pack.
He came out of the bathroom with the pants slightly rolled up because they were too long for him. I chuckled to myself quietly because I couldn't help but laugh, but I mean he is shorter than I am. But he looks so cute in my stuff.
Shut up Gavin, he's not cute! Get that out of your head.

"Well if you're ready for bed you can lie down, and I'll head for my room or if you have anything to talk about then I'll stay a little bit longer." (Y/n) just shacks his head.
"No, I don't have anything to talk about. I think we both need to head to bed." He responds kinda quickly to my question.
"Okay, goodnight, (y/n)."
"Goodnight Detective Reed." I hear him say as I walk to my room slightly closing my door.

Your p.o.v.

As I watch Gavin walk away I get comfy on the couch as I watch the city lights from the curtains. I slowly go into sleep mode.

I see Gavin and me as we walk to an investigation.
We both look around, looking for something. I hear someone behind us but I feel like I couldn't turn around. All of a sudden Gavin gets snatched from beside me, I don't even know the person who did it, but when he got snatched he tells me to stay.
I go running towards him but the red barrier blocks me from doing so. I start trying to break it as I watched Gavin get thrown around and punched.

Then I see the person take out their gun and shoot Gavin!
I scream, finally breaking the barrier. The killer runs off and all I have now is Gavin lying in my lap bleeding to death. I can't do anything.
"G-Gavin no. Don't go!" I sob uncontrollably.
"I-I'm sorry (y/n)." I hear Gavin say as he spits out blood.
"I'll see you soon." He says slowly as he starts to close his eyes.
"GAVIN! NO DON'T LEAVE ME!" I scream, waking up in a panic.
"D-don't leave me." I whisper.

Gavin's p.o.v.

I wake up from my sleep for what seems like no reason. I look at the clock and it's 3:52.
Damn, it was just 11:34 when I fell asleep. I get out of bed, as I go to check up on (y/n).
I see him holding his head with a red blinking LED. 

I walk over to him, kinda scared.

Putting my hand on his back as his head quickly looked at me with fear in his eyes. 
(Y/n) then quickly looked away outside.
"What happened?"
"I... I just had a nightmare." He replied sighing.
I ask him what happened. He tells me the whole thing from going to an investigation to me getting shot and dying. I just look at him with a blank face not knowing what to say.

I just pull him back into a hug.

And I have no clue why but it felt right.
Softly and slowly he hugged me back with a sigh.
(Y/n) let go and rubbed his arm as I watched his LED go to a soft yellow. 
"Will you be okay by yourself?" I ask quietly.

There was an oddly suffocating silence in the room as I waited for an answer from the tin can.
"Yeah. I'll be fine." Is all he replied.
"Alright. I'll be in my room again. I'll leave you to yourself."
(Y/n) nodded with a tiny wave. 

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