Gavin x New Male Android (part 4)

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((F/c)=favorite chips.)

Gavin's p.o.v.

As I drink my coffee I looked up at (y/n) and he doesn't seem like himself.

He seems tenser.

I think it might be because of Vanessa. I can tell (y/n) doesn't like her already but she's been my friend since 8th grade.

Later after work, I plan on getting some beer and having a few drinks with her. I just don't want to get too drunk and wake up with a headache as I've done before.

I finish my coffee and throw the cup in the trash can under my desk.
"You work at a pretty nice place Gavin." Vanessa says with a smile.
"Yeah, it's a pretty nice place." I see Hank and Connor walk up to the three of us.
"You ready to interview the people Gavin?" I sigh and get out of my seat. "Yeah, I guess so." As I follow Hank, Connor, (y/n) follows me to the interview room.

We're interviewing the huge guy that torn apart (y/n).
His name is Vincent. (Y/n) and I go to watch behind the glass; Hank and Connor go inside the interviewing room. We sit down in the chairs and watch to see what will happen. As I look over at (y/n) I see his LED blinking yellow as he stares threw the glass.
"Hey, are you okay?" He looks over at me, giving me a nervous look.
"Yeah, just thinking." He says quietly while looking at the floor.
I rub his back trying to make him feel better.

Hank's p.o.v.

"So we heard you murderer, someone. You wanna tell us who?" I say while looking at Mr. Vincent.
"He was a friend of mine." He said in a very deep and accented voice.
"Why did you kill your friend? Was it over something?" He looked over at the folder sitting on the table.
"Someone. My so-called friend. I caught him cheating with my fiance. So I grab the knife and stabbed it right in the throat with no hesitation, I didn't realize what I did until I did it." I nod my head listening. But there are still a lot of questions to ask and get answers.

Gavin's p.o.v.

As we listen to Vince and Hank, I look over at (y/n).
(Y/n)'s LED started flashing red, looks like he was hyperventilating.

"(Y/n) what's wrong?"
"Just the memories of what happened is all. It doesn't matter"
He seemed so scared but he was trying to hide it.

"So why did you destroy one of our androids?" Hank questions.
"I destroyed it because I hate androids!" Vince yelled hitting his fist against the table.

As Vince said that I could tell it scared (y/n) even more because he jumped a little bit like he was startled.

I think if I was him I would be scared too about all of this.
I wish I knew how to help him.

(Skip to after interview)

After everything, we learned about Vince and the murder.

It was very gruesome.

The police took him to the prison cell. As I, Hank, Connor, and (y/n) headed back up to our desks. I saw Vanessa was still there.

"Hey, Vanessa we're back."
"Oh hey, Gavin. Almost ready to get some beer later?" I smile and nod. "Yeah. I haven't had some alcohol in a little while." I sit back in my chair as (y/n) stands.
I start to work on some other files while I and Vanessa talk about how our lives have been and what we've been doing in life.

I go to look up at (y/n) to see him not there, I look around for a second and see (y/n) over at Hank's desk. I see him smile while talking to Connor and Hank.
I feel bad for him and I know why he walked away over to his desk. He probably thinks I hate him or I'm too into Vanessa now to realize he's there. I have to make it up to him someday.

(Skip to after work)

Third-person p.o.v.

You, Gavin, and Vanessa all walked out of work and to Gavin's car.
It was 6:30 when Gavin's shift ends. Gavin works 12 long hours every day and you help him get through it.
You get in the back seat and Vanessa sits in the passenger seat. You sigh and close your eyes, leaning your head back slowly.
As Gavin drove to the store, you opened your eyes and looked out the window watching the snowflakes fall. They just started to fall. Gavin stopped at a red light and looked back at you. Gavin chuckled as he saw your face, you just had the look of excitement on your face seeing snow for the first time.
Gavin turned back around saying nothing but having a smile on his face.

Gavin drove off at the green light and headed for the gas station. Getting to the gas station Gavin asks.
"Do you guys want anything but beer?" You look at Gavin and thought for a second.

"Um, (f/c)?" Gavin gave you a weird look for a minute.
"Okay, didn't know you liked food." Gavin said with a chuckle.
"I've liked food for a while. Before being assigned as an android officer I was actually a home worker. So I made food and took care of kids. I was a homeworker for about 7 months. I started in April. So I eat food with the family before the house got robbed and I got shot. I was replaced by a different house android but...Cyberlife was able to save me and repair me in a month then I was sent to the Detroit Police Department. Now I work as an office android." You said as you flashed a quick smile.

Gavin nodded and exited the car getting the beer and chips. It was November and that's close to when it snows in Michigan.
You just started out the window wishing you never had to meet Vanessa and wishing you had Gavin all to yourself.

You sighed as you lay your head against the cold window. The cold window didn't bug you because you had your temperature senses off and your sensitivity level all the way to zero making you not feel any pain.

But that's just the way that Cyberlife makes all the androids unless the android messes with their settings. Gavin came back with the beer and chips, handing the beer to Vanessa and giving you your chips.
"Thank you." You whispered sweetly to Gavin.
"You're very welcome." Gavin said sweetly back.
You opened the bag of chips and eat most of them on the ride back to Gavin's apartment. Once all three of you got to the apartment and to Gavin's place, Gavin and Vanessa sat on the couch right next to each other while you just sat on the other side of the couch alone.

It was around 7:15 now. You just ate the rest of your chips while listening to Gavin and Vanessa talk.

Gavin's voice sounded so sweet while Vanessa's voice sounded annoying.

You sighed to yourself and threw away the chip bag in the trash can right next to the couch. You just watched Vanessa and Gavin drink their beer and talked away. A few beers later, Gavin was on his third beer and Vanessa was on her fourth. Now it was about 10:45. Gavin got up and you heard him say
"I'm going to the bathroom." You saw Vanessa nod and as Gavin walked away you saw Vanessa smirk and start to take something out of her pocket.

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