Young Hank x Male Reader (part 4)

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Third-person p.o.v.

As you exited the police station you couldn't help but think about Hank. Once you got to your car and started it up, letting it warm up you texted Hank saying
"If you need anything just text me and I'll go do it for you." You waited for an answer. A minute later you got a text back from Hank.

"Thank you (y/n). But I don't think I'll need anything besides you at my house later today." You blush your face turning a shade of pink.
You got home and still, no one was up. You lay back in bed and fell back asleep with a smile on your face

(Hank gets off of work)

You woke to the buzz of your phone as you open your eyes and check it.
It was Hank, saying he's home and asking if you were still coming over.

You texted him a quick yeah and got your shoes on, while packing an extra set of clothing, just in case something happened.

You opened your bedroom door and headed for the front door.
"Hey, where you going?" You hear your dad say.
"I'm going to (b/f/n)'s house for the night." You say lying.
"Okay, have fun." He says in response. You nod and walk out the door going to your car and driving off to Hank's house.

Hank's p.o.v.

(Y/n) should be here any second now. Connor is at the station doing some extra work. I was going to ask if (y/n) wanted to stay the night, but I don't know if that would have sounded weird to him. I snap out of my thought as I hear a few knocks at the door. I open the door and see (y/n).
"Hey (y/n). I'm glad your here, dinners almost ready." I say with a smile, as I let him in.
"Well, I'm glad dinners are almost ready, I'm so hungry!" I hear him say that makes me chuckle as he takes off his shoes.
"Aww, you have a dog! What's his name?" I see (y/n) walk up to Sumo petting him with a big smile on his face.
"His name is Sumo. He's a very loving dog."
"Well, he's very cute, just like his owner." I hear (y/n) say with a giggle as I blush. I turn off the stove and get out two plates for me and (y/n). I look over to see (y/n) playing tug of war with Sumo, I just chuckle and watch as I get our plates ready.

I put our plates on the table and look back over to see them still playing until (y/n) lost his grip and landed on his butt on the floor.
"No, I loss!" I hold in my laughter.
"What's so funny mister?" (Y/n) looks at me with a pouty face.
"Nothing. Just you. Now come on, dinners ready." I sit down as (y/n) gives Sumo one last pat on his head and walks over to the table as he sits next to me.

I made (f/f) for (y/n). I kind of guessed he would like it. I've learned a lot about him in the little time I've known him.

Your p.o.v.

I eat the food Hank made and it's so good! I look over at him and he's just kinda staring at me.
"Um, Hank hello?" I wave my hand in his face. He blinks and looks away for a second.
"S-sorry I didn't mean to stare at you." Hank says while eating his food. I give a little chuckle.
"It's okay. We all do it something." I see him nod as if he agrees.
"Um, one question but, where is Connor at?"
"Oh, he's at the station. He said he wanted to do some extra work." Hank responds while looking at his food. Hank and I talk a little bit longer before we finish our food. After we finished our food I was going to take the plates to the sink but, before I could Hank had already taken them.

"Don't worry (y/n) I got them. You don't have to do anything." I smile as I go up behind Hank and hug him as he cleans the dishes. He looks back at me and smiles sweetly, which makes me smile even more.
Hank got done with the dishes and I'm still hugging him. He dries his hands and turns around picking me up.
I cover my face embarrassed. He sits on the couch and sets me beside him. I slowly cuddled up to him as he turns on the T.V. and puts his arm around me making me blush more and more by the second. I looked up at him and give him a little kiss on the cheek as he looks down at me with a surprised face.
I look away even more embarrassed. I feel his hand go under my chin as he lifts my face to meet his. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. Hank slowly brings his face closer to mine and I grip his shirt lightly. I hear him chuckle.
"You look cute when you're embarrassed." He says with a grin.
"Sh-shut up," I say with a pout.

Hank's p.o.v.

"Sh-shut up." (Y/n) said pouting. I get close to (y/n)'s to where our lips are almost touching. I hear (y/n) softly gasp, I could tell he was super nervous. I slowly touch our lips together as I feel (y/n) slowly kiss back.

"Well, wasn't that nice." I laugh.
"Mm, whatever." His face was covered in red.

(Y/n) looked away from me with a look on his face.
"Hey what's wrong?" I ask quietly.
"I just..." There was a pause. "I just don't want to do anything too fast yet." (Y/n) responds quietly.
"Hey, we don't have to do anything you don't want. We just got to start knowing each other."

(Y/n) nod with a slight smile.

And for the rest of the night, we played some video games and enjoyed each other's company.

Eventually, Connor came home so we both decided to finally calm down and started getting ready for bed.

"(Y/n) do you want to sleep in my bed or we can share?" I question.
"We can share the bed, as long as you're comfortable with that."
"Yeah, I don't mind." I smile.

And so with that, we both got comfy in the bed and cuddled up to each other a bit.
And for once I felt really comfortable sleeping.

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