Gavin x New Male Android (part 1)

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Gavin's p.o.v.

I got a stupid android...

I hate those stupid things.
Connor is already here at the station.

All my Android has been doing is standing by me, doing absolutely nothing. I mean he'll do my orders tho.

"Hey, tin can, go get me some coffee." He looks at me and nods.
"Yes, Detective Reed." (Y/n) goes to the break room and gets me my coffee. He comes back with my coffee and sets the cup on my desk.
"Here you go, Detective Reed."
"Thanks, tin can." All he does is nod and stand back where he was. He's getting so annoying standing there.
"Hey, tin can. Go get a chair and sit down." I inquire annoyed. 
(Y/n) nods and grabs and chair placing it by me and sitting down. He seems so... So emotionless.
It kinda bugs me. I mean even Connor has emotions for being a stupid ass android. (Y/n) just seems to stare and wait for a command. All of a sudden we get a call saying there was a murder. I get up and so does (y/n).

(A few minutes after getting to the crime scene.)

We get to the crime scene and all he does is follow me around.
"Hey, tin can, go look around and find some evidence."
"Yes, Detective Reed." he says as he walks off to a different room. He walks to the kitchen where the murder happened and kneels by where the dead victim's body is. He mumbles something I couldn't hear. He dips his finger in the blood.
"W-what are you doing?" He licks the blood and then looks at me.
"I'm analyzing the blood. Sorry Detective Reed I should have told you first" he says apologizing.
"Fresh blood" I hear him mumble as he rubs the blood between his thumb and finger.

He stands up and I see him scan around the room. I have no idea what he's seen but he follows whatever he sees. I go back to the living room to look around more. I wait about fifteen minutes and sigh waiting for that stupid tin can.
I hear a thud and then a door opening thinking it was him. I go near the sounds and then I back up seeing it wasn't him!! Not him!!

It was a huge guy.
A-and he's holding... Holding (Y/N)!! I draw out my gun and so do all the other officers. I notice his legs were ripped off right out of the sockets, and his sockets weren't even there, he looked... he looked dead. Blue blood ran from his lips, mouth, nose, and both his eyes.

"DROP THE ANDROID!!" The one officer yelled. The guy threw (y/n) over by us. I put my gun away and run up to (y/n). His eyes moved to look at me. He gave me the tiniest little smile. I sat on the floor and pulled him on my lap.
"A-are you okay?!"
"I-I'm *cough* okay Detective Reed." He said it so calmly which kinda made me mad.
He raised his hand and then stopped.
"I'll be okay. I promise Detec-" I cut him off.
"N-no! You won't be okay!! Your legs are missing, even the sockets are missing!! And your bleeding all over the place!"
I start tearing up. I don't know why I'm getting emotional about a stupid robot!

The officer took that guy and took him for questioning. I picked up (y/n) and carried him to my car and sat him down in the front set and buckled him in.

(Skip to getting to the station)

I get him out of the car and rush into the station. Connor and Hank looked at me weirdly.
"What happened to (y/n), Gavin?" Hank asked.
"H-he got damaged! W-what does it look like!?" I got super angry, fearing I might not be able to fix him.
"I can try to fix him." I hear Connor remark.
"Please fix him! I can't have him being broken!" Connor nods walking off to get parts for (y/n). Hank just looks at me.
"I thought you didn't like androids Gavin," Hank remarks.
"I-I don't, I just... I-I don't know." I just stopped talking.
I just watched as (y/n) blinked and fixed his hair now and again.

Connor finally came back with the tools, new legs, and sockets for (y/n). Connor first cleaned off all the thir-thirium?
Yeah, thirium off of (y/n). I watched as Connor pushed in the right socket and then I heard (y/n) make a hissing sound like he was in pain.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. It just hurt that's all." He smiled in pain. I could tell he was in pain. I held his hand reassuring him that he'll be okay.

(After getting you fixed.)

I could tell (y/n) was getting tired and worn out from getting worked on. Connor just finally finished fixing his legs. (Y/n) slowly gets off my desk and tumbles a bit.
I held him up until he was comfortable with standing.
(Y/n) thanked Connor quietly while looking at the floor.

"Hey, I'm heading home. I'm tired. And it's getting late, my shift also has been done and over with." I start walking off when I feel my hand being grabbed. I turn around and see it's (y/n). He slowly let go and sighed quietly.
"What, (y/n)?"
"Can I go home with you?" (Y/n) asked with a super quiet voice, I could barely hear him.
"I... I guess you can."
I have no idea why I agreed to it.

dbh x reader (Mostly Male)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant