Hank x Swat M reader (part 3)

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Your p.o.v.

I suddenly felt the vibrations of my phone going off telling me to get up.


I opened my eyes to see a big ol' puppy in my face.
As I chuckled it started licking me and gave a little bark.
"Well good morning, puppy. What's your name?" I laugh to myself.

Moving the name tag it read "Sumo".
"Well hi, Sumo." I smiled.
Sumo licked me once more before laying down in front of the couch.

Looking at my phone I still had 30 minutes before I needed to get up.
I always have multiple alarms.

Falling back asleep for a little while, until I felt a sharp pain go throughout my back and side. I woke up instantly and shot up with wide eyes.
I groaned and grit my teeth.

"Hey, what wrong?" Connor asked as we walked over to me.
"Just a pain shot through me. That's all" I explained.
"Do you have pain pills?" Con asked.
"Yeah. I'll take them in a minute."

Almost time to get up anyway. I sighed getting up and groaning in the amount of pain I was in.
Grabbing the pills from my bag I took a very deep breath and put some water in my mouth than the pill; swallowing them and drinking some more water.

I stood there in the kitchen by the sink for a second. Until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
It startled me for a second until I looked.
"Hey, morning Lieutenant Anderson." I chucked. Hank laughed quietly.
"Good morning Sargeant (l/n)." He responded as we both chuckled.

We were both still in pajamas.

Hank's p.o.v.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.
"I guess I slept alright. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night in pain. Until now. But I've been through worst." (Y/n) explained.

"I don't think in all my time being with the DPD would I have ever seen someone look as bloody as you. Well, unless they were dead." I gave a laugh.
(Y/n) laughed too.
"Well, duh. That makes sense."

Connor coughed interrupting us.
We both looked at him.
"If you get dressed and ready for work I'll start the coffee."
"Alright, fine. You win." I huffed.
(Y/n) laughed and nodded.

Your p.o.v.

I and Hank started getting dressed. I'm glad I always keep extra clothing in my vehicle.

But today... Still felt off.

Like something is going to happen. But I kind of brushed it off and put on my shirt because the other one had to be thrown away.

For obvious reasons.

Put on my black jeans and then socks. I headed to the living room and grabbed my boots putting them on then my vest and then finally my gloves.
I felt new putting my stuff on again. I walked up to Connor and he handed me a cup of coffee.
"Aww, thank you, Connor." I smiled taking the cup.
I gave Connor a little kiss on the cheek and he smiled.

Which Hank didn't see as he was still getting dressed.

(Got to give the android some love too, ya know.)

Hank finally came out of his room in his usual clothes.

Connor gave him his cup of coffee.

I chugged mine.

The coffee was really hot but I was used to the hotness of it. I finished the last of my coffee and put the mug in the sink. They just kinda stared at me.
"You chugged that coffee?" Connor questioned. I nodded.
"Yeah, basically." I chuckled.
"I drink a lot of coffee. Like 5 or 6 cups of coffee every day." I continued.
"Jeez, I only drink like 3 or 4." Hank declared.
"Well, I'll see you guys at work." You said.
"We'll be right behind you," Hank replied. I walked out the door with Hank and Connor right behind.
I hopped in my car (and if you don't like/drive a car just replace it with whatever. °^°) and turned it on revving it up a bit.

I slowly started driving and I looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Hank was following right behind me. I laughed to myself and started going faster and Hank sped up with me. I watched Hank smirk and Connor hold on to the armrest. I could tell Hank laughed and I chuckled to myself slowing down a bit when we got to the main road.

(Skip to work)

Third-person p.o.v.

You and Hank got into the parking lot and got out of your cars. Running up to Hank you laughed and looked at Connor.
"Did ya have a fun time Con?" You asked with a smile.
"Um, yeah, kind of." Connor replied hesitantly.
"Well your still alive." You commented. "Yeah. I know." Connor responded with a smile.

Your p.o.v.

Hank, Connor, and I all signed into work. Connor followed Hank to his desk like usual and I went to the break room to get my second cup of coffee and another cup for Hank. Pouring the coffee into the cups and had a feeling someone was behind me. I turned around and Hank was standing right there. I jumped a bit and tried to sound mad even tho I wasn't.
"Hank, stop scaring me!" I remarked pouting.
"Sorry, it's just funny." Hank snorted. I sighed and gave Hank his coffee. "Alright, Mr. We have work to do. I'll be at my desk in a minute." I remarked.
"Alright." Hank replied.
I looked at the table that Gavin usually was at by now. But he wasn't. That's when I started having that weird feeling again.

I looked over at Gavin's desk and he was sitting there with his head in his hands.

Gavin looked sick.

Grabbing another cup and pouring coffee into I headed to Gavin's desk. "Hey, Gav. You feeling okay?" I asked hoping he was.
"Go away." He mutter.

I was surprised he was acting like this. Usually, he's joking after or acting cocky. I sighed and tried to talk to him again.
"I brought you some coffee. I just want to know what's wrong." I said again putting the coffee on his desk.
"Go. Away." Gavin mumbled again. "Gavin. Please tell me what's wrong. This isn't you. You're always at the break room talking and joking with Tina." I remarked.

Gavin looked at me and stood up. He whipped out his gun and aimed it in the middle of my head.

But I didn't react.

Looking at Gavin I put my cup of coffee on his desk. Everyone stared at us in shock. Sighing, I walked closer to Gavin. I put the gun in the middle of my forehead still looking up at him.
"Shoot." I announced. Gavin gave me a face of regret. Gavin slowly put his gun back in his holster.
"Reed! My office! Now!" Fowler yelled. Gavin looked at me for a few more seconds before he walked to Fowler's office.

Third-person p.o.v.

As Gavin headed to Fowler's office. You looked back at Hank and Connor. They both looked more scared than you. Hank ran up to you and put both hands on your shoulders.
"A-are you okay?" Hank questioned. "Yeah. I'm fine." You mumbled.
"I'm... I feel sick. I'm going back home." You claimed.

You started walking away until you felt someone grab your wrist. Looking back it has Hank, and Connor was standing by him.
"Would you like me to come home with you?" Connor asked.
"No Con. I'm good. But thank you for asking." Grabbing your keys you headed for your car and headed home... Which isn't Hank's house but Amber's.

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