I feel awful

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Niall wakes up blinking away the tiredness in his eyes, he goes to sit up but he gets stopped. He gives Harry a look of confusion.

"No, stay." Harry pulled him closer, he didn't want him to get out of bed just yet.

"Harry, I have to prepare Maisie her bottle before she wakes up and also breakfast—"

"Baby, please." He cups his face and kisses him, he missed kissing him, holding him, being with him. He missed him. "I'm so sorry for being an awful husband and father."

"You're not awful," Niall frowns. "Why would you say that?" He reaches up to cup his cheek.

"I haven't been around much and I wasn't there when you found out the gender of our babies." Harry closes his eyes trying to stop himself from crying in front of Niall. "I'm shit, Niall. You honestly deserve someone better."

"Don't say that." He wanted to comfort him, he really did but the sudden urge to throw up got to him and in seconds he was rushing to the bathroom. After rinsing him mouth he decides to go check on Maisie only to find the cot empty, he walks to the kitchen and doesn't find anyone there. He perks up when he hears a giggle, he goes to his bedroom and finds Harry laying on the bed with Maisie on top of him drinking her bottle.

"Come lay down." Harry pats the spot next to him.

"If I lay down now I won't be able to get out." Niall raises his brows at him, instead he sits down by Harry's legs. "Haz, I'm not mad at you. I know you're really busy with uni and with work. Don't be so hard on yourself."

"I missed such an important day yesterday though." He says with so much guilt.

"Eleanor did film it, you can always watch her video." He says wanting him to feel better. "I love you, Harry. Don't you forget that."

"I love you more, Ni." Harry takes a hold of his hand. "And I'd love to watch the video." He smiles.

"I'll let her know to send it to you." Niall places Harry's hand on his bump and grins. "Feel that?"

"Yeah, wow, is that both of them?" He asks as he felt nudges against his palm.

"No, that's baby a." He laughs. "This one is baby b." He moves Harry lower and to the right.

"Does it hurt?" Harry frowns when Niall nods and then shrugs as if it didn't matter. "If you're in pain we have to tell the doctor."

"It's okay, H." Niall shakes his head. "It's normal."

"But I don't want you to be hurting." He looks at Maisie who sat up and offered Harry her bottle. "Oh, no thanks love."

"Da-dee!" She shrieks loudly pressing the bottle to his lips her blue eyes widening as she watched him closely.

"Alright, love." Harry chuckles and pretends to be drinking the milk. "Thanks so much little one."

"She's comforting you." Niall coos when he sees her press her cheek against Harry's. "I should go get breakfast ready."

"No," Harry sits up with Maisie in his lap. "Let us make breakfast, you lay down."

"Haz, you need to get ready. I appreciate you offering to make breakfast but—"

"Lay down, gorgeous." Harry gets out of bed and leans down to peck Niall's lips. "I'll call you when breakfast is ready."

Niall nods slowly, he did want to have a few more minutes of sleep. He watches him leave with a smiley baby in his arms, he sighs and goes to lay down.


"Will you please just help me feed her?" Harry snaps at his mate, he's been trying to feed her while doing laundry and preparing lunch but she would throw a fit and he didn't have time for that.

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