I was made for loving you (!)

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"What do you mean the cake isn't here yet?" Niall narrows his eyes at Louis' who started to back off as soon as he saw how pissed Niall looked.

"Don't worry about the cake—"

"My parents aren't here yet, how I'm supposed to get married in ten minutes! How the fuck do I not worry?" He snaps his angry gaze at Eleanor. "And not only that, Maisie's dress is an awful yellow color! It was supposed to be a light beige color."

"Eh, guys?" Zayn pops his head inside.

"What?" All three snap at him.

"They can't find the rings." He says slowly, he was afraid of what was to come out of Niall.

"You've got to be bloody kidding me!" Niall groans loudly. "It's a fucking disaster, I don't think I'm getting married."

"Niall, you need to breathe—"

"The only thing that hasn't gone to shit is the reception." He rubs his eyes, he was in the verge of crying.

"I have bad news." Shawn comes walking in oblivious of all the stress in the room. "Apparently the rece—"

"Shut up." Zayn cuts him off. "We'll go handle it." He pushes Shawn out giving Niall one last glance before leaving.

"Oh my god." Niall starts crying. "This is a complete and utter mess." After six months of planning it was upsetting him that nothing was going right.

"Aww no bub, it'll turn out perfect." Eleanor quickly pulls him in for a hug. "I promise it'll be perfect."

"I want to see Harry," He sobs out, he was so stressed and not being able to see Harry only made things worse.

"I can go get him.." Louis looks between Niall and Eleanor.

"No, no, you go and make sure the cake is here." She says as she comforted Niall. "Go on."

"Okay." Louis nods and quickly leaves.

"Love, tell me what's wrong?" Eleanor knew it was more than just everything going horribly wrong, she knew Niall was hiding something.

Niall hugs her tighter as he cries even harder into her shoulder. "I... I'm pregnant." He stutters out.

"Oh," She pats his back, not really knowing what to say. "Babe, isn't that a good thing?"

"I'm three months pregnant and Harry doesn't know." He's been afraid of how Harry would react. He feels guilty for not telling him and for sneaking around to go to the doctor.

"Why not?" She gasps.

"I don't want him to be upset.." He pulls away to wipe away the tears.

"Why would he be upset?" Eleanor frowns.

"Maisie is only fifteen months, she's still a baby." Niall slumps his shoulders at the thought of his baby girl feeling left out when the baby comes. "El?"

"Niall, he can't be upset about it. After all, it is his fault you're pregnant—"

"I'm going to be sick." He rushes to the bathroom and pukes into the toilet bowl. He needed to calm down but it was hard to.

"Harry loves you and Maisie so much, it's obvious. I'm sure he'll be over the moon when he finds out he's having another little baby." She smiles at him, trying to reassure him that everything will be okay.


"Baby? Where are you?"

"Ma?" Niall runs out of the bathroom after washing his teeth quickly. "You're here!"

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