Rainbows and butterflies

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Niall had woken up before Harry and he was glad, he had so much to think about. He wished he could go for a walk to clear his mind up but he was scared of bumping into someone who didn't have good intentions.

He decides on making himself some porridge instead of overthinking about unnecessary things, he also turns up the volume of his phone because music would always calm him down. As he was making his breakfast he hears Harry's voice as well as the other lad's, he tries to ignore it but when he feels like he wasn't alone in the kitchen he turns around and sees them standing there.

"Good morning!" Niall says in the fakest cheery voice.

"You're going to burst your eardrums." Harry grumpily says, he was awoken by loud Mozart music being blasted and wasn't in the best mood.

"You're leaving so soon?" He ignores him and looks at the stranger.

"It's time." He looks at him then at Harry.

"Oh that's none sense! Stay for breakfast. What would you like?" At this point Niall was raging with anger and wanted to piss Harry off too.

"He was leaving." Harry says giving Niall a 'what are you doing' look.

"You can't leave with an empty stomach, here, I'll make you some scramble eggs." Niall takes out the pan slamming it on the stovetop, he goes for the eggs but Harry stops him.

"What the hell, Niall." He was taken aback when Niall started to laugh loudly.

"Don't be a fucking asshole, if you're going to shag someone at least offer them breakfast, that's the least you could do." He snaps at him. "Isn't that right—what's your name again?"

"Dom," He rolls his eyes at them. "I don't want breakfast, lad. In fact, I don't want to be here anymore."

"Was he that bad?" Niall snickers.

"Niall, stop." Harry grabs Dom's arm and pulls him away from the kitchen.

Niall was fuming, he pulls on his oversized jumper in anger, he really wished he could leave. He needed fresh air.

"What was that about?" Harry comes back looking at him with angry eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He goes to stir his porridge.

"What you did was unnecessary, it was rude and you made me look like a fucking asshole." Harry leaned his back against the wall as he stared at the back of Niall's head.

"I'm sorry what? You actually think I made you look like one?" Niall turns the stove off, he turns around to look at him. "You are one."

"Is this because of the drink? You're still upset about that? Well, I'm sorry for wanting you to drink something that will do you good—"

"It's not about the fucking drink!" Niall grits his teeth, he could come out and tell him the truth or he could just walk away. Walk away!

"What did I do to you? You embarrassed me in front of my friend! My straight friend." He pulls at his hair out of pure frustration. "God, now he'll think I brought him back to have a quick shag."

Niall could feel his stomach churn, he was such a stupid idiot. He had let his jealousy take over once again, he opens his mouth then shuts it back up. He didn't know what to say, he was so embarrassed. He thinks about apologizing but he shakes that thought away and instead walks away to his bedroom. He sends a quick text to Zayn asking him if he could come pick him up. He didn't want to be there.


"Where are you going?" Harry asks Zayn while giving Niall a quick glance.

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