It'll be alright, darling

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"I can't believe Harry hasn't come to see you, or even talked to you. Fucks sake it's been a week," Eleanor was very disappointed in Harry.

"It's fine," Niall understood him, it was a lot to take in. He needed some time and that was okay. "Whenever he's ready to talk I'll be here."

"Niall, he's being a prick." Zayn wanted to slap some sense into Harry.

"I agree, also, I don't think it's fine." Shawn stands up from his bed. "He's had enough time to think."

"I'm not going to confront him or force him to be there for this baby." He says.

"Well I am." Shawn grabs Niall's sonograms and a cd where the baby's heartbeat was recorded. "He needs to be there wether he wants to or not." He says before walking out.

"I'm starting to like him now." Zayn smiles.

"Are you going to your class?" Eleanor asks Niall who seemed like he was slowly drifting off.

"No," He mumbles against the pillow, he had no energy whatsoever. Doctor Rosemary had told him it was normal and he shouldn't worry so much, so he didn't.

"Okay." She looks at Zayn and tells him it was time for their next lecture. They both bid goodbye to Niall and leave.


Harry was walking out of his last class when he spots Shawn by the door looking around as if he was lost. He only hopes not to see Niall, he wasn't ready to talk to him, he was still upset at him for hiding the pregnancy from him.

"Harry!" Shawn walks over to him.

"Can I help you with something?" Harry clears his throat not really knowing what to say because he's never really talked to him.

"Yes actually," He kept calm. "Maybe somewhere private would be better."

"Private?" He sighs and starts walking away.

"You can't walk away." Shawn rushes to follow him. "Well not until I give you this." He pushes the sonogram and cd towards him.

"What is this?" Harry grabs it and gives it a good look before glancing over to Shawn.

"It's not about you anymore, this is about that innocent baby that's fighting so hard to stay alive." Shawn says with sadness laced in his voice. "You need to be there."

Harry goes to say something but Shawn had turned around and walked away leaving him there with so many questions. He decides to go to the library to see what the cd was about. When he gets there he goes to a computer where nobody was. He plugs his earphones in and waits for it to load as he waited he looked through the sonograms. He doesn't realize he was smiling like a fool until his cheeks started to ache, he couldn't believe that was his baby. He made that little one.

He perks up when he sees the screen and clicks on the file, he waits patiently with furrowed brows. His heart does a leap when he hears thudding, the baby's heartbeat. Shawn's words started to replay in his head. I need to talk to Niall.

Harry takes the cd out and grabs his stuff before rushing to Niall's dormitory. To his surprise he sees a few lads standing by the door. "What are you lot doing here?" He asks angrily.

"We've figured it out." The blonde one grins proudly.

"Figured what out?" Harry becomes worried.

"Who's the pregnant freak."

"We don't actually know that," A dark haired one adds. "The lad that lives here was rushed to the hospital, we heard something about stress. That doesn't really prove anything but it is weird."

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