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"What is this?" Niall says as soon as he steps into the cute small house.

"A house." Harry chuckles when Niall shoots him a glare. "Our house, baby." He smiles widely patiently waiting for Niall to process it.

"I'm sorry, what?!" He widens his eyes when Harry hands him the keys. "Wait, are you serious?"

"This is our new home." He goes to hug him but was taken by surprise when Niall jumps on him, he was quick to catch him and hold him tightly.

"This is beautiful, H, oh my god! We have our own home." Niall wraps his legs around Harry's waist and arms around his neck. "Hang on, can we even afford this?" He frowns.

"Absolutely not." Harry chuckles at Niall's confused face, he continues. "But it's been paid off already."

"What do you mean?" He tilts his head in confusion.

"My dad, he gifted this house to us ages ago, before Maisie was born actually. I didn't accept it because he and I don't have a great relationship, but he offered it once again and after talking to him and my mum, I've decided to accept this house." He presses his nose to the crook of his neck. "I want the best for you and our little ones and I can't give you much on my own, I need a bit of help. Also, I think Liam needs his own space. Last week I accidentally walked in on him having sex with his girlfriend."

"Oh my god Harry, why didn't you tell me?" Niall ran his hands through Harry's soft curls.

"Didn't think you'd want to know about Liam's sex life—"

"About your dad, H." He lets out a giggle.

"He's never been there for me, his way of showing affection is through gifts. I didn't want that for our kids, to have a grandfather who only sends gifts but doesn't bother to show up to meet them. It sucks." He mumbles against his neck. "My mum was right though, we need our own space and this is perfect." He starts kissing and nipping on Niall's skin.

"Haz," Niall moans out when he feels Harry's warm lips on his sweet spot.

"I reckon we make love right here, right now." Harry leans back to look into his eyes, noticing the blush on his cheeks.

"I... Are you sure about this? The house I mean. If you're not comfortable with accepting this from your dad, we can always—"

"I am, don't worry." He smirks. "Now, where were we?"

"We have to go home, the babies are due for a feeding and I doubt Liam will be able to handle it." Niall giggles when Harry starts to sloppily kiss him.

"A quickie." Harry loves his children to death but he did miss having alone time with Niall, intimate time, which was a rare thing nowadays. "I need you baby boy."

"Shut up and fuck me then."


A few months later

"Daddy?" Maisie glances up at Harry.

"Yes, love?" Harry gives her a smile as he kept stirring the vegetable stew.

"Baby is bad." She huffs pointing to Finlea who had just learned to roll over.

Harry raises his brow at his two year old daughter, he turns to Finlea and chuckles when he sees him struggling to roll back on his back. "Oh no Finlea." He goes and helps him. "There you go."

"I want dada." Maisie pouts.

"He's giving Cian a bath, he'll be right out." He goes back to the stew making sure it didn't burn. He hums to the song that played on the radio but stops when he feels a tug on his jumper. "Yes, darling?" He sighs.

If I Fell (narry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora