They're a bunch of morons

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"Shit, shit!" Eleanor barges into the dorm looking straight at Niall.

"What's wrong?" Niall looks away from his phone to look at her.

"We really need to start locking the door." Zayn groans in annoyance.

"Shut up." She shushes him. "Niall, have you seen what's all over Twitter?"

"No? Why?" He sits up scooting over so she could sit next to him.

"Ni, they're talking about a pregnant guy who goes to this university." Eleanor slowly says, she sees his scared look and that only made her pout. "It's only a rumor though."

"How would they know?" Zayn jolts up.

"I don't know, apparently they overheard someone talking about it at the clinic." She bites on her lower lip. "Niall, there's no proof. They can't figure it out."

"Someone released private information about Niall?" He asks in disbelief.

"Zayn, it could all be lies. We don't know, that's why we need to figure out who's spreading all of this." She glances at Niall. "Niall?"

"They won't figure it out, right? They won't find out it's me, right?" He looks into her eyes, he didn't want anyone to find out.

"No, we won't let that happen." She rubs his knee.

"You don't think it was Harry who's spreading all of this?" Zayn asks.

"It's been three weeks since Niall had told him, I doubt it was him." She shakes her head. "And Harry isn't someone who spreads rumors." She adds.

"If you didn't know about it, would you notice the bump?" Niall looks between Zayn and Eleanor.

"No," Zayn chuckles. "You look normal to me."

"I'm three months pregnant, it's gonna become harder to hide the bump." He places his hand on his stomach.

"We'll help you, don't worry." Eleanor smiles.

"How?" He asks confused. "There's no way of hiding this, and you know it."

"Oversized jumpers." Zayn points out.

"He's right you know." She nods. "And also you could always take online classes."

"They'll kick me out of the dorms and then I won't have anywhere to live," He sighs. "I need to start controlling my nausea, I can't be going to the loo every time I feel like I'm going to be sick."

"Babe, you can't control that."

"I can try." He mumbles, he knew that was a bullshit lie because his morning sickness has been getting worse. At times he couldn't even get up from the floor, once he stayed in the stall for two hours trying to regain his strength. It was all so exhausting.

"We'll save up money to move out to a flat." Zayn could tell everything was stressing his mate out and all he wanted to do was to help him out with whatever he could.

"I appreciate your attempts on helping me but don't worry, I'll figure it out." Niall didn't want his friends to worry about him.

"We want to help." Eleanor hugs him.


"Who could it be?" Liam asks.

"Who could who be?" Zayn and Eleanor approach the group.

"A stupid rumor going around about a lad being pregnant." Louis snickers. "Don't know if I believe it."

"Quite a few magazines wrote articles about it." Liam raises his brows at him. "I didn't believe it until I read this wasn't the first case, sadly the lad didn't make it."

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