The damn drink

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"I don't want to eat that." Niall says in annoyance.

"Harry, I don't blame him that looks disgusting." Liam scrunches his nose at the weird colored drink Harry had made for Niall.

"It's good for you." Harry slides the drink towards him once again. "You, stay out of this." He glares at Liam who only raised his hands in surrender.

"It looks like shit." Niall pushes it away again, he couldn't even look at it.

"At least try the damn drink." He scolds him.

"I'll vomit." He whines. "If it's so good, why don't you fucking drink it?"

"I made it for you, don't be rude, Irish." Harry has been trying to convince him to try the drink for the past ten minutes now.

"I really don't want to. And you're not my mother, so don't boss me around." He spits out.

"Either you drink this or talk to your parents." He smirks when he sees Niall's shocked expression.

"Don't anger him, Harold." Liam warns him, he's noticed Niall had caught an attitude recently. He thought it was cute how Niall would always yell at Harry and no one else.

"Will you shut up?" Harry looks at Liam.

"Why can't you be more like Liam? He's always making delicious food—"

"Unhealthy food." Harry corrects him.

"Edible food." Niall narrows his eyes at him. "I'm not going to drink that shitty drink."

"Why are you being so difficult?" He asks in frustration.

"Go fuck yourself!" He gets up from the stool and storms away, he rolls his eyes when he hears Harry walking behind him.

"Niall fucking Horan." Harry grabs him by his elbow.

"Let me go." Niall angrily stares up at him.

"You're being very childish." He tells him.

"Am not." He says even though he knew he was right, he just couldn't help it. He would get annoyed so easily nowadays and snap at everyone especially at Harry. "I really really don't want to drink that."

"Okay." Harry sighs. "You don't have to." He lets go of him, he always had a soft spot for Niall and even though he would get angry at him he would always end up doing whatever he wanted.

"Hey, Harry?" Liam calls him from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He turns around.

"Your mum called."

"I'll be there." He looks over at Niall. "I'll see you later tonight, I have a lecture in twenty minutes and a late night shift. Maybe I won't even see you."

"There's a storm coming, don't get struck by lightning." Niall was worried about him being out during the storm but he wasn't going to show that to him.

"I'll try my best not to." Harry leaves to ring his mum back.


"Ma, I can't see you." Niall sighs, he should've never FaceTimed her. She kept getting too close to the screen and all he could see was her forehead.

"Sorry, baby." She giggles. "I'm too old for this."

"Maybe prop it somewhere." He suggests.

"Dammit Maura, give me that."

"No, I got it."

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