An absolute twat

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Niall wakes up feeling like shit, his nose was stuffy and his throat dry. He regrets being out yesterday in the rain and now he was sure he had caught the cold. He groans as he sits up and slowly gets up only to feel like he had stepped on something unfamiliar, he jumps back into bed when he hears a loud groan.

"Aw fuck!"

He looks over the edge of the bed and sees Harry holding his groin in pain. He furrows his brows and glances over to Zayn then back at Harry. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, Harry's here." Zayn says from his bed, he had just woken up as well.

"No shit." Niall glares. "Why though?"

"Hang on," Zayn crouches down to check on Harry. "You alright?" He laughs when he realizes where Niall had stepped on.

"Just fucking peachy." Harry groans out. "What a way to wake up, thanks love." He looks at Niall.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know!" He defends, he notices a cut on his eyebrow and lip as well as bruising and swelling. "What happened to your face?" He asks worried, he doesn't remember him looking that bad last night.

"The lads who bothered you in the toilet came back and well let's just say it became a huge fight, everyone started to join. It was a mess." Zayn explains. "I pulled Harry out of there and brought him over him, he was nearly killed."

"I wasn't," Harry sits up and tries to fix his morning hair.

"You passed out in my arms, mate. I had to carry you back here." He points out to him. "It was a fucking struggle to open the doors."

"Shouldn't you go get checked out?" Niall blushes when he sees Zayn's smirk.

"I'm fine, well, I was until you stepped on me." He smiles at Niall's blush. "You could always kiss it better."

Niall turns even more red, he quickly grabs his towel and necessities and leaves to the showers.

"Harry! That's disgusting." Zayn shakes his head. "I'm gonna get ready, I've got a class in twenty."

"I think I've scared him." Harry chuckles.

"You scared me." He laughs, he quickly changes and leaves Harry alone in the dorm.


Niall wraps the towel tightly around his waist wishing he had brought his clothes with him, now he had to awkwardly walk to his dorm. He makes sure the towel was secure before stepping out of the shower and making his way back to his dorm. He opens the door and sees Harry laying on his bed.

"I hope you don't mind me laying here, I mean you do owe me—" Harry cuts himself when he sees Niall in only a towel. He lets his eyes roam his body before he finally looks into his eyes. "I'm still hurting, you know."

"Don't look at me." Niall spits out.

"It's kinda hard not to, you've got a fit body—"

"Can you please shut up for once!?" He goes in search for something to wear, he tries to be fast.

"So where's your boyfriend?" Harry ignores him and keeps his eyes on Niall's bum.

"You're fucking annoying." Niall turns to give him a good glare but he catches Harry staring at his bum instead. "You shit, didn't I tell you not to look at me?"

"And can't you see I'm one big bruise who is only looking for some distraction from this pain?" He points at his face and crotch. "One that you cause by the way."

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