No sugarcoating this...

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"So you gave him a handjob because you were jealous of some girl?" Zayn starts to laugh loudly. "I'm sorry, I just... can't," He bends over in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Niall glares at his mate who wouldn't stop laughing. "You're fucking annoying."

"Why don't you tell Harry it bothers you when he brings someone over?" Shawn asks not really understanding. "Better question, why is he bringing people over?"

"I told him not to hold himself back when it comes to stuff like that.." He sighs, he regrets telling him that.

"Why?" He was shocked, it was obvious Niall had feelings for Harry.

"I don't want him to feel like he can't be himself when I'm around." Niall explains.

"You're confusing him." Zayn says after regaining his control.

"Confusing him?" He furrows his brows.

"Niall, you're messing with his head. You tell him he can do whatever he wants and when he does you take it back and give him a handjob, then you push him away and pretend like it didn't happen. Mate, Harry is fucking into you, he likes you. Stop playing with his feelings." He leans back on the sofa.

"I-I.." Niall frowns. "I'm an asshole." He felt guilty.

"You're not, you're just confused." Zayn says before Niall became upset, he was a sensitive lad.

"Being honest with Harry and with yourself is the way to go, Ni. Don't be afraid of showing your true feelings." Shawn says softly.

"Harry is not Jess, he won't hurt you like she did." Zayn almost whispers to him, he knew it was a very touchy subject to talk about but he had to bring it up. He had to make him see not everyone is like her.

"Zayn." Niall widens his eyes not believing what he had just said in front of Shawn.

"Who's Jess?" Shawn asks confused.

"She was Niall's ex girlfriend, she hurt him." Zayn explains. "A very toxic person, hell, she even messed me up."

"Zayn, please." Niall swallows the lump in his throat. "I don't want to talk about her right now."

"I know you don't, but it's good to talk about it. That's how you move on, how you start feeling better." He says. "She wasn't the nicest person behind closed doors and I even thought she was the one for you, shit, once she showed me who she really was I was scared for you. And maybe you still don't forgive me but it had to be done, she had to go."

"Eh quick question." Shawn raises his hand, he continues when Zayn looks at him. "What did you do to her?" He asks a bit concerned.

"She was an exchange student and I got her to get expelled, she had to move back to her country." He explains.

"What did she do?" He asks glancing between the two but mainly at Niall.

"I won't go into detail but she pretty much manipulated Niall into believing he will never be loved and—"

"I don't want to talk about her." Niall says once again but this time louder.

"Okay." Shawn nods, he understood this was hard for him to talk about and he didn't want to upset him even more. "Do you like it here?" He changes the subject.

"It feels safer than the dorm." Niall gives a small nod.

"Is it because Harry also lives here that makes you feel safe?" Zayn asks in curiosity.

"Will you stop obsessing over Harry? It's fucking annoying." He snaps at him. "Not everything is about him."

"Is it not? So you're telling me if I tell you I found a flat, you would move in with me?" He smirks.

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