Baby, you're burning up

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"Zayn it's your birthday weekend, you have to go out." Niall has been trying to tell his mate that it was okay to go and party without him. "Everyone's up for it, so just enjoy it."

"Everyone except you." Zayn rolls his eyes. "We've always gone out together, it's our birthday tradition."

"I'm not going anywhere, I can't." He looks at the others hoping they would convince Zayn. "We can hangout when my parents fly in, in your actual birthday."

"There's five other people here willing to go out with you, you're making us feel like shit." Louis jokes.

"You'll have lots of fun." Shawn says, he wasn't best mates with Zayn but he cared enough to try and make his birthday a good one.

"Come on, Zayn. Stop being a whiny asshole." Eleanor glares at him.

"Fine, only because I feel bad for you lot." Zayn smiles. "You're coming as well, right?" He asks Harry who kept to himself the whole time.

"I don't think I am," Harry was desperate for them to leave, he wanted to be the one who cuddled Niall and not the one who watched him get cuddled by everyone except him.

"Bloody hell! Mate, you've been such a bore lately." Louis furrows his brows. "You never want to go out for drinks or anything anymore."

"I'm tired." He says in defense, which was true he has been working and studying, also making sure Niall was okay. He was drained.

"I tell you what, if you don't enjoy your life right now after that baby is born nothing will be the same. You'll have to quit everything—"

"I don't want to go, Louis." Harry yells, he shouldn't have, it wasn't Louis' fault, he didn't know.

"He's right, though. When I had Bear I didn't leave the house at all for a month!" Liam says.

Niall understood why Harry was acting the way he was, even for him talking about the future was a very touchy subject. So when Harry storms off and slams the door of his bedroom loudly he stays calm unlike the others.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Louis asks growing worried about him.

"You were being quite harsh." Eleanor mumbles to him.

"I miss him, I miss having a chat. All I wanted was for him to join us, I didn't mean to upset him." He sighs.

"Maybe we should leave," Zayn quickly says. "Come on." He stays back when all of them start heading to the door, he makes sure no one was close by before he questioned Niall.

"What?" Niall didn't like the look he was giving him.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah," He felt bad for lying. He should've told him, Shawn, and Eleanor about how dangerous the pregnancy has become but truth was he wasn't sure how to tell them.

"Ni, you can tell me anything." Zayn tries one more time, a bit hurt Niall wasn't telling him.

"I know, but, I can't tell you now." Niall stands up, pressing his palm on his bump. "Go have fun, I'm fine don't worry."

"When will you tell me?" He grabs his hand and squeezes it lightly.

"Soon." He gives him a small smile. "Now go and celebrate your birthday."

"Okay, fine. You go check on your boyfriend." Zayn gives him a quick hug, he bids goodbye and leaves with the rest of the group.

Niall loves having them all over, but also loves having the flat to themselves. He enjoyed the silence and the freedom. He waddles over to find Harry, he raises his knuckles to the door and knocks, he patiently waits.

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