English boy

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"What do you mean you don't know where Harry is?!" Niall asks angrily at his brother.

"I mean, I know but he ignored me as soon as some girl sat on his lap." He mutters. "I'm gonna go sleep now."

"Are you fucking joking?" He says after him, he couldn't believe he had left Harry at the bar alone, drunk.

"What's wrong?" Bobby asks.

"Greg left Harry at the bar." Niall stresses out, he was angry at Greg. "What a fucking prick."

"Take my car, I'll make sure Maisie doesn't wake up." He grabs the keys and hands them to Niall.

"Thanks," He quickly slips his sneakers on and runs out of the house. He was glad the bar was only a few minutes away from the house, he only hoped Harry was still there. He rushes inside the bar and looks around, he frowns when he doesn't see the tall lad anywhere.

He walks through the bar to where the loo was, he assumed he had gone for a wee or something. He pushes the door open gagging at the horrible odor. He walks in not seeing Harry, that's when he starts to really worry. Did Harry leave? Is Harry safe?

"Move, kid." A man pushes past Niall.

"Quick question, have you seen a tall lad with tattoos he came with Greg, you probably know him—"

"The English boy?" He asks.

"Yes!" He nods his head.

"He was taken to the loo with a pretty lady, probably finishing up their shag by now." He turns around and heads to the urinals. "Now let me piss."

Niall felt his chest go heavy, he trusted Harry yes but did he trust the person that was with Harry, no. He walks out of there and stares at the other door, he wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't just walk in there. But he also couldn't just stand there and pretend as if there was nothing happening.

"If that's your girl, walk in there, no one will judge you for it." The same man says. "She was flirting with every young lad out there, but that English boy caught her attention."

"Can... can you do me a favor?" Niall asks, he was too scared to see what was going on behind the closed door.

"No worries son, I'll go in there and bring her out for you," He cracks his knuckles before pushing the door open making it slam loudly against the wall.

Niall shakes his head, he didn't bother on correcting him because he was too damn anxious. He furrows his brows when the man comes out with a cocked brow. "What happened?" He asks him.

"She's not in there, only the English boy. He's passed out." He grabs onto Niall's shoulders and pushes him inside the loo quite aggressively. "Get your revenge."

"I'm actually—never mind." He rushes to Harry's side, he notices lipgloss stains all over his cheeks and neck, his hair was messy, and his jumper was wrinkled. "Harry?" Niall shakes him by the shoulder.

"Hmm?" Harry keeps his eyes shut.

"Get up, I have to take you home." Niall tries his best to pick him up but fails. "Please, Harry." The last thing he wanted was to get his arse kicked by a woman for being there.

"It's y-you," He lazily smiles. "Hi!"

"Haz, come on." He pulls on his arm until Harry stands up, he grabs him by the waist nearly losing his balance when Harry leans all his weight on him. "You need to cooperate here." He could smell the beer and perfume on him, it disgusted him.

"Where's your d-dress? Your wig?" Harry throws his arm around Niall's shoulders.

"You're drunk." Niall guides him out of there looking around the small place to see if he could spot a young woman, he wanted to have a word with her but it seemed like it was mostly older women in there.

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