Fuck you and your stupid..... face (!)

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Harry was preparing his green smoothie whilst watching his mum make breakfast when Niall walks into the kitchen. He looked very cuddly with his striped long sleeved shirt, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks. He wanted to cuddle him but after last night he wasn't sure how Niall felt at the moment so he stayed put.

"Good morning, hun!" Anne smiles widely when she sees Niall. "How's the baby?" She walks over to him to hug him and rub his bump soothingly.

"Good," He smiles back at her. "Can I help you with anything?" He politely asks, his mother taught him to always offer to help out it's the kind thing to do.

"I'm all done here, love, you go and sit. I'll serve you." She has grown to love him already, he was such a kind hearted young man.

"I can do it myself," Niall nods when he sees her shake her head. "Okay." He walks past Harry not giving him a glance, he was still upset about last night.

"Ah! Mum." Harry yelps when he gets pinched by his mum on the arm. She scolds him silently and points to Niall. "What?"

Anne rolled her eyes at him and shook her head in disappointment, she walks over to Niall and sets the plate down. "Here you go, love."

"Thank you." Niall feels his mouth start to salivate as soon as he saw the delicious breakfast Anne had made for him.

"Your pregnancy glow is showing." Anne sits down next to him and stares. "And I don't mean to sound rude but the baby bump seems to be bigger today, so cute." She coos making him blush.

"It must be the shirt." He shyly looks down, he had to keep pulling it down as it kept riding up, it was annoying.

"Could be, you look amazing either way sweetie." She giggles.

Harry drank his smoothie as he silently watched the two talk, he wanted to join them but he didn't want to upset Niall. He notices Niall pulling down the hem of his shirt every time it would ride up and would show a bit of his skin, he smiles at Niall's pout, he was adorable.

"Are you in love, brother?" Gemma whispers into his ear making him choke on his smoothie.

"Fucking hell," Harry glares at her. "Give me a scare will ya?"

"I did scare you." She laughs. "Don't drool over Niall, he's too cute for you."

"Shut up." He mutters, he was glad Niall didn't hear her. "Go back to sleep."

"Niall!" She pushes Harry aside and walks over to the dining room. "How are you my love?" She sits down.

"Good, how are you?" He looks over at her.

"I'm great!" Gemma beams.

"Doesn't he look great?" Anne asks her daughter.

"You do! Can I cuddle you?" She asks looking over her shoulder at Harry and smirking. "We can all take turns cuddling you."

"I do enjoy cuddling." Niall chuckles.

"We should go shopping tomorrow." Gemma blamed the pregnancy for her scattered brain and short attention span.

"That would be—" Niall's phone goes off, he quickly gets it out and sees it was Zayn who was calling through facetime. He smiles happily, he excuses himself before answering the phone. "Hi,"

"Nialler!" Zayn grins. "How's my baby?"

"You're dumb," He laughs. "But all is well."

"What are you doing?" He notices he wasn't at the flat and becomes confused.

"I'm at Harry's family home." He hated that he was blushing.

"Are you now?" He smirks. "I'm glad you're not spending Christmas alone."

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