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Zack's PoV

"Where do you want to go?" I glanced over at him when we stopped at a red light. He looked stunning in that white suit, but I knew better than to say anything. I needed to keep my mouth shut. "I don't know" He whispered softly, his eyes were puffy from crying. I hummed quietly before driving down the road, it was dimly lit. 

"Want ice cream?" Looking over to him he nodded his head. It was adorable at how quiet he had gotten, before he was always loud and obnoxious. 

The drive was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. He pushed the seatback to stretch his legs out. I didn't see why he already had enough leg room because of his height. Laughing quietly Reagan looked over at me with a frown.

 "What's so funny" He glared while I turned into the drive-thru. "Nothing, what kind of ice cream do you want?"  Reagan shifted around in his seat before smiling at me. "A vanilla and chocolate swirl" I laughed at how childish he looked, the innocent look on his face made my heart leap out of my chest.

 "Perfect" Whispering softly he looked away from me while I ordered. I ended up getting fries and a burger while he sat enjoying his ice cream. 

"It's so good" He moaned quietly, while I glanced over to him to see him looking over at me. "West never lets me eat like this. Give me a fry" He reached over my lap to grab a fry. I felt the heat rush to my face as he just moved without a care in the world. Reagan leaned back in his seat with a few fries in my hand before tossing them in his mouth. 

"I should've had you buy me some.." He murmured. Humming I grab the small bag that had the fries in it, pushing them towards him "R-really? I can have them?" Nodding my head I unwrap the burger before biting into it. "Thank you" Reagan smiled while digging into the fries with his ice cream in the other. 

"You're welcome" I held the burger in one hand before pulling out of the parking lot. "Where to now, Mr. Oden?" He jumped at the sound of his last name. I didn't mind using it. "Use my first name" Looking over to him his face is tinted a slight blush while he looked down at his feet. "Don't stain your suit" I rolled my eyes making him laugh. 

"Take me somewhere fun, West can worry for tonight" He said with a laugh before his phone started ringing. We both jumped at the ringtone. "West?" I questioned while driving down the dimly lit road. "Yeah, probably" 

"Can we go to a hotel? I have money" Reagan jumped in his seat to lean towards me. "If you want" I mentally facepalmed at the thought. Why did I agree to this? I should just take him home. 


I grabbed my wallet before following Reagan into the hotel he gave me directions for. It was a high-class hotel which made me nervous. The fact that I didn't have money like him. But, what did I expect? 

We stopped in front of the receptionists' desk, she glanced up at us before basically eye-fucking Reagan. "What can I do for you sir?" She batted her lashes, making me laugh quietly. "Room for two" He grinned down at her before handing her his credit card. "How many nights? and what class?" Reagan looked over to me with a blank expression making me shrug my shoulders. Who knew how long he wanted to stay. 

"Two nights, and the most expensive room here please." He winked at her, a blush immediately tinting her cheeks. She typed into her computer before handing him a key. "Name?" She leaned back in her seat while he leaned against the counter. I couldn't watch this anymore. It was awkward being here with him. "Reagan Oden" He quickly said before grabbing my arm to lead us to the room. The room number was printed onto the key. 

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