Hero Killer: Stain Vs U.A. Students

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"Goodbye child may your death bring upon a better world.." Stain said lifting his sword "Shut up..Shut up!!" Iida yelled "You look up to me that much, tenya? Guess that makes me a great hero or something!! Ha ha" tensei said.

"It doesnt matter what you say now!!! Your still the criminal who hurt my brother!!!" Iida yelled. Stain then looked to his right to see a green blue jump to his direction.

"SMASHHHHH!!!!!" Izumi yelled landing a perfect hit on Stain making him stumble back.

"Midoriya!?" Iida asked "I'm here to save you..iida!!" Izumi said

*A Few Minutes Earlier: Izumi*

"I might be overthinking this and it's not like I've got proof!!" Izumi thought as she ran on top of a building "But that's exactly why I've gotta take action here!! In the same city where The Hero Killer appeared...We've got some Nomu look-alikes rampaging around. I maybe the only one in the whole city uneasy about the potential connection..the league of villains and The Hero Killer..could they be working together!?" Izumi thought as she jumped from one building to another.

"And that probably means The Hero Killer is somewhere around here right now!! Could it be..He's found The Hero Killer!?" Izumi thought as she saw the large fire and went away as she looked for her friend.

As she ran through crevices and alleys her eyes widened at what she saw "Bingo!" She thought as she bounced from wall to wall and hit the hero killer right in the face.

As she ran through crevices and alleys her eyes widened at what she saw "Bingo!" She thought as she bounced from wall to wall and hit the hero killer right in the face

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Stain stumbled back and glared at Izumi, iida who was on the ground with a stab wound from his fight. His eyes widened "Midoriya? But why!?" Iida asked "This kid..she's one of the two from Shigaraki's photo" Stain thought.

"It was on tv..! How 60 percent of The Hero Killer's victims..were discovered around blind corners in deserted areas..so I've been scouring the back alleys near the normal, close to the center of all the trouble.." izumi explained.

"Looking for you!" Izumi yelled as her green lightning surrounded her body and the red Mark's went around her body. "Can you move!? Make for the main road and get some pros to come help us!" Izumi instructed "I cant move! He cut me..that's likely his quirk.." iida groaned as he did his best to get up but nothing.

"They were talking about that..so he needs to cut you to get it to work?" Izumi asked until she noticed Native who was on the ground too "Another one!! If it was just Iida, I might've been able to carry him and run, but.." izumi thought. "Midoriya, dont interfere..this had nothing to do with you!!" Iida yelled "What're you saying?" Izumi asked.

"A friend shows up and says.."I'm here to save you." That's a good line for sure. But it's my duty to kill these two. And if we're forced to fight, then naturally..The Weaker will be culled." Stain said as his piercing red eyes glared at Izumi making her shake in fear.

" Stain said as his piercing red eyes glared at Izumi making her shake in fear

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