Twenty Seven

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Brotherly Bond

Brotherly Bond

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.


Two days later, Harry is at the waiting room of a hospital, waiting to learn from the doctor why he is having the new brush and the reason he is spitting blood. The doctor eventually tells him to come inside and take a seat.

"Look Harry, I'm going to be straight with you...I have no idea what's causing you the symptoms. However either way your results are not good.

"What do you mean doctor?", Harry nervously asks the doctor, who takes his time before starting to explain everything to his patient.


Meanwhile, George is finally back on campus for his third year on majoring art. He never felt more pressure than having to do so many art projects for one semester. Angel joins him and walks him to his next class before she heads for another audition.

"So, have you talked to Harry since that eventful night?", she asks her best friend.

"Yeah, we talked on the telephone last night. Elektra wanted to sleep so we didn't exactly talked that much...why?"

Angel hesitates before revealing one of her concerns to George, but she is not able to hide this from him, "I think something is going on with him. When you went missing and we waited for you to return, he started coughing, which is pretty normal but even though he tries to hide it, every time he coughs, he spits blood."

"Oh, maybe I should give him time to tell me by himself or maybe it just happened.", George is trying to find a solution.

Angel hugs him and before she leaves, she says to him, "Look Georgie, I'm not going to tell you how to handle this, but as your friend I should warn you."

George nods and the two best buddies part ways, each heading to their own responsibilities and lives.


Dante along with Scotty are leaving from Dante's new record label. He feels so much better and more free since this label actually allows him to be whoever he wants to be as long as he produces music only for them.

"Seriously buddy, it's so great to see you being able to stand in your feet again. I missed you like that.", Scotty says to his friend.

"I'm feeling a lot better too. Hey, how are you doing? We kind of haven't seen each other in weeks."

"I'm better than ever. I like a girl who I believe that she likes me back and it's not Angel before you ask."

Dante gives a devious smile, like he was about to ask that and waits to find out who that girl is.

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