Twenty Four

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American Hustle Part 1

American Hustle Part 1

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One week later, things have calmed down. George and Harry are enjoying a calm afternoon at Harry's place. Then Harry heads to the bathroom and leaves his boyfriend alone for a few minutes.

Someone starts knocking the door and George gets up and opens it. There he finds a guy around five feet ten, wearing sunglasses and a semi expensive suit. He looks at George and smiles.

"Hello there, hottie."

George raises his eyebrow, smiles and screams to Harry...

"Baby, there is an asshole english man in your door."

"Asshole? I can live with that."


In the meantime, Andre is making out with Angel on his bed. For all the fun that they are having, Angel still avoids having sex with him. Andre doesn't push her, but when he asks her the reason, she is not giving him an answer.

"Look, I'm sorry that I'm even asking but, we already had sex, years ago."

"I know Andre, you can't forget your first. It's not you, it's me."

"That was pretty cliche of you to say."

"I can explain...Before you come back, I had a small adventure with a filmmaker. He took advantage of my body and drugged me many times. It's not that I'm avoiding you."

"You're avoiding sex in general."

"I just need some time. I promise."

"Hey, take all the time in the world, I just wish you could have talked to me."

"One step at a time."

Andre gives her a kiss and hugs her, making her feel safe in his arms. Before they are able to relax, Elektra knocks the door and Andre opens it.

She storms in inside and is holding her bra. Angel gives her some water and they all sit down.

"I bet you haven't see me many times like that.", Elektra says.

"What happened girl?"

"Promise me, you won't get mad."

"Pinky promise", Angel answers and holds her hand.

"I almost had sex with Scotty. He came by the bar and we ended up kissing, I gave him a blowjob and we started undressing. I forgot he had no idea what a transgender is. He saw it, he freaked out and left."

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