Twenty three

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Never Underestimate A Homosexual

Never Underestimate A Homosexual

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"Who did this? It's horrible.", Angel says to Elektra as they hold a newspaper with Harry's and Crystal's faces on the front.

"Isn't it obvious? That bitch set this up.", Elektra responds, pretty certain about her accusations.

"Why would she do that? It's not good for her image."

Angel throws at Angel a lifestyle magazine, which says that Crystal's career is as good as dead since she was let go from her agency.

"That bitch. However, she definitely had help. Who took the pictures?"

Then George walks inside holding the newspaper in his hands. Angel and Elektra look at him, scared of how he is going to react. Before their worst fears come true, George just sits down and drinks from Angel's coffee.

"Georgie we will do something about it, don't be sad.", Angel tries to comfort her friend.

"It's Dante. He did this...I should have seen this coming."

"Dante? But why?"

"We betrayed him, so he betrayed us."

"Actually it does make sense. I hope Scotty had no idea about this."

"Most likely he had no idea, that's true. I wonder how Harry is feeling right now."

"Why don't you go and check?"

"Yeah, I probably should."

"Go check your man, tiger."


Harry is looking at the newspaper, angry and really really sad since he knows that this is not truly Crystal's doing. Then George arrives and knocks the door. Harry opens and they hug.

"From your face, I see that you're thinking what I am thinking."

"Yeah, that my brother hates me and wants to destroy our lives."

"Well technically, he wants to destroy your life, so I can go back to his arms."

"I don't understand why he is so obsessed with you. You guys fucked for a few weeks but that was it."

"He thinks that he loves me, when in reality, I'm just the only experience that he has with the world that he wants to be part in."

Harry smiles softly at his boyfriend and agrees with him. Then he gets dressed and has to go and clean the ballroom.

"I have to go downstairs and clean, do you wanna come for company?"

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