Chapter i

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Jaime wound his fingers through Evelyn's, finding her fingers vastly intriguing as the two lay in bed. Jaime looked over at Evelyn who looked on the verge of falling back asleep, her amber eyes half lidded and her black hair billowing around her on the pillow. The sheets just covered her stark-naked body and her face was still flushed from what they had done that night.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing each of her fingers and then her palm.

Evelyn smiled at him and waited till he kissed her palm before she touched his cheek with her fingers. His face was smooth and soft to the touch, but she could still feel the muscle when he smiled or clenched his jaw.

"Do you ever worry?" Jaime asked, giving her a quizzical look. "Ever worry that you'll lose someone."
"Always," Evelyn replied. "Because I know death is inevitable whether it is tomorrow or next year or another fifty years, we will all die eventually, and it does worry me sometimes, but I have grown to accept it."
"Why?" Jaime asked, propping himself on his elbow.

The girl smiled and ran her fingers up and down his bare chest, "Because even if I do lose people physically, they will still be with me in my heart."
Jaime's blue eyes flickered with pure adoration and love for the woman beside him. How had he gotten so lucky to have Evelyn as his wife?

Jaime wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her over till she was laying on top of him, "There is one thing you do not have to worry about ever."
"And what is that?" Evelyn asked, pushing her hair out of her face.

Jaime smiled and reaching up, helped her remove the long black tresses from her hair before stroking her cheeks, "You'll never lose me. Ever."
A huge smile appeared on the girl's face and Jaime found himself grinning back before lifting his head to plant a strong kiss on her lips.

"I love you Jaime," Evelyn whispered. "I always will...."

"NO!" Evelyn screamed, snapping out of sleep. Ugh! Why couldn't she just wake up slowly and peacefully like normal people huh? Just once?

The girl looked over at the other side of her bed and saw Sansa sleeping there. Her sister had been sleeping in the same bed as Evelyn since their father's execution and Arya's disappearance almost a month ago. Evelyn groaned. Her head was swimming. She had sat up too fast.
Carefully getting out of bed so as to not rouse her sister, Evelyn slipped into the bathroom and splashed her face with water. That seemed to help the headache. She sat down on the privy for there was no seat in the bathroom and leant back, trying to calm her racing heart. She could never stop having those dreams.... Well they were more memories than dreams. It wasn't that she didn't want to have them.... They always felt so real but when she woke up she was always sweating or crying and she would spend the day paining over the memory and waiting with bated breath for sleep the next night so that she might be in Jaime's presence again at least in her dreams.

"You need to calm down Evelyn Stark Lannister," the girl sighed, smacking her head.

She heard the door of the bedroom open and assumed that either the maid had come in or Sansa had roused. Tyrion had been returned to Kings Landing and in doing so, had brought a woman Shae with him whom he had installed as Sansa and Evelyn's handmaiden.

The only person Tyrion explained this to was Evelyn, whom he told that he had done this so as to avoid Shae getting into trouble. Evelyn honestly didn't mind for Shae was nice and offered a companion to Sansa.

Evelyn was about to rouse herself and go change when she felt something surge from her stomach. Jumping off the privy, she turned and threw up everything in her stomach into the chamber pot. What had she eaten the night before?

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