Chapter 36.

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Chapter 36.

Shortly before the prison, there was a silence and tension in the car of the four, which was almost tangible. Yibo held Zhan's hand firmly in his hand. He tried to smile, even though it was hard for him.

In the few years that he is now a police officer, he had never had such an assignment. He just always rode with Tao Long on patrol. At that time, he always imagined that he would be doing this kind of duty as a police officer. But now that he was in the middle of it and not just dreaming, he was also scared.

Over the radio there were always new messages coming in, which didn't necessarily ease his fear. It was said that there was increased activity outside the prison. People taking a walk there. Cars in the visitors' parking lot that shouldn't have been there in the first place.

For Yibo, however, the fear was compounded by something much greater than the fear. His protective instinct was running at full speed. And also anger he felt towards He Peng.

Anger that He Peng had dared to kidnap Zhan, to take him away. Anger because it was He Peng's fault that he had to live without Zhan for two months. Anger also that He Peng still tried to take Zhan away from him.

Yibo didn't want He Peng to get away with it. He'd like to put a bullet in that bastard's head and hang his body in plain sight for everyone in this city. He'd hang a sign around his dead body. "This is what happens when you dare touch my Zhan!" Would he write on it.

The closer they came to prison, the stronger Yibo's hatred for the man who was to blame for Zhan's and him's suffering.

Ever since that day when Yibo first discovered his feelings for the federal agent, which happened very quickly, he could not imagine a life without Zhan. He wanted to be with him, hold him and never let him go.

And when the two of them, fortunately for him quite quickly, came together, Zhan became the most important person in the world for him. He would do anything for Zhan. He can't, nor does he want to lose him, and that's exactly why he won't let He Peng get away just like that.

Yibo will never allow anyone to take away his purpose in life again. Yes, Yibo himself admitted to being obsessed with Zhan. Something he could even understand about He Peng. But exactly because he understands it and knows this feeling, he can't and won't allow that He Peng can ever get too close to Zhan again.

He himself, Wang Yibo, was the only one who is allowed to have an obsession with the federal agent and his husband Xiao Zhan. Him and no one else! And that will always be the case.

Zhan looked thoughtfully at Yibo and wondered what might be going through his mind. Again and again, Yibo frowned, only to giggle quietly a moment later.

But if Zhan was honest with himself, he knew what was going through Yibo's head. More than once in the past days, they had talked about how much Yibo would wish He Peng would go to hell.

It was also clear to Zhan how much Yibo suffered from the fear that He Peng could escape and bring Zhan back into his control. Yibo suffered from nightmares. Even if he didn't want to admit it, the things he said, shouted or screamed in his sleep were more than clear to understand.

And Zhan also knew that Yibo wanted to end his nightmares. And that's why Yibo would do anything to make sure He Peng would never be free again. No matter what he has to do.

When they finally reached the prison, they saw people running along the fence. They saw at least ten vehicles in the visitor parking lot and people were running around there as well.

The big gate was opened and the cars of the federal agency and the police drove into the yard of the prison. And only when the gate closed again did they get out of their cars.

Four federal agency cars and two police patrol cars were now in the yard and were thoroughly examined by the guards. Mirrors attached to long poles were used by the guards to be able to look under the cars.

When the guards had finished checking them, one of the men asked in surprise: "Why don't you have a real prisoner transport vehicle?

Seo Joon smiled and pointed to the four identical cars of the Federal Agency: "These cars are not only all of the same model or all black. They also have toned windows. The license plates are taped. Just in case we have traitors in our midst. So when we're out there, no one can see or know in which car He Peng is sitting. Because there's no difference. Besides, once we're out of here, each car will go in a different direction. Even the police cars."

"We will also be taking three more inmates with us. They all wear black bags over their heads, and the same clothes. They all have the same size as He Peng, the same figure. So even the guards won't know which one of them is really He Peng." Explained Zhan's father.

Outside the gate it was getting restless. Yibo immediately pulled Zhan closer. But Seo Joon patted Yibo on the shoulder, smiled and shook his head. "I guess my surprise has arrived." He said, grinning.

"What? What surprise?" Yibo wanted to know.

"I spoke to my supervisor this morning about this case. And he told me he will send some agents to assist. Apparently they're there now, taking care of our walkers out there by the fence and the parked cars." Explained Seo Joon beaming with joy.

Shots were fired outside shortly after Seo Joon's declaration. And inside the prison itself, the alarm suddenly went off. The agents and the four police officers hurriedly ran to the entrance to see what happened.

In the video surveillance room they could see on the monitors that the guard, who was bribed by He Peng, let the inmates out of their cells and they started a revolt. And in the middle of them stands He Peng laughing.

He Peng looks directly into one of the cameras and smiles. "Get ready for a fight. And you better make sure that my favorite federal agent, Xiao Zhan, gets here. Otherwise, we're gonna get very violent."

No sooner had He Peng finished speaking than the camera, like all the others, was destroyed. Seven guards were now trapped among the prisoners. Now it was clear that they had traitors in their own ranks. But who is it? And what should they do now?

 But who is it? And what should they do now?

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That's the view from my window today!

That's the view from my window today!

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