Chapter 26.

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Chapter 26.

No one had seen or heard from Zhan for days. He didn't show up at work or report to anyone. The officers immediately realized that something had happened. Besides, there was no trace of Wang Hai Kuan, brother of Wang Yibo.

They interviewed neighbors, passers-by and searched Zhan's apartment for clues. But nobody had seen anything, nor was there anything that pointed to the whereabouts of Zhan.

It was only eight days after noticing Zhan's disappearance that they decided to tell Yibo that Zhan was missing.

When they told him, he threw a glass at the wall in anger and shouted at the agents. He wanted to know everything in detail. But the agents couldn't tell him much because they hardly knew more themselves.

"You must calm down. We' re on the case, we are looking for Zhan everywhere." Had one of the agents said to Yibo. Which only made Yibo angrier.

"You assholes have been looking for him for over a week and you don't have the slightest idea where my husband is. You know He Peng has him! You don't really believe that Zhan would voluntarily run away like that!" Flinched Yibo.

"Of course, our primary assumption is that He Peng is behind this. But there's something to be said against it." Said the agent and threw the pictures to Yibo, which were backed up from Zhan's private email account. The pictures of Yibo and Joon Jo!

Yibo went through frame by frame and froze. "What is this?" he asked in shock.

"Your brother sent these pictures to Zhan. Even if we don't think so, there's a chance Zhan saw the pictures and left voluntarily. That maybe he went to He Peng willingly after seeing the pictures and assuming his husband was unfaithful to him."

"I was never unfaithful to Zhan! I would never do anything like that, I love Zhan way too much for that!" The thought that Zhan saw these pictures and could now believe that Yibo is having fun with Joon Jo while his husband tries to catch a dangerous criminal almost broke Yibo's heart.

Yes, he and Joon Jo get along very well and have become something like friends. But he never saw in him more than a friend. For him there was and is only Zhan and the thought that Zhan disappeared after seeing the pictures almost drove Yibo out of his mind.

Why had his own brother done such a thing? Why did he send these pictures to Zhan without first finding out how these pictures could have come about? Why they looked like a couple.

He could have easily explained it. Because that day, he and Joon Jo had gone for a little walk, because Yibo wasn't well and he missed Zhan very much. They noticed that two men in black suits were running after them all the time. They thought that the two were following them, so they took a break and sat down on a bench. Where they took each other in their arms and pretended they were a couple. It was just to look like that, because they thought the two men were after Yibo. But then the two men passed them and did not even look back at them. It was clear that they were just following the same path as Yibo and Joon Jo, nothing more.

Yibo explained it to the agents, who came to him. But they had another bad news for him.

"It's so that we were able to locate the photographer and he stated that he watched you, or rather you two, for three days and secretly followed you. And according to him, it seemed to him that you two were a couple. And your brother also told Zhan in an e-mail that he had the same impression. We also interviewed colleagues of yours who also have the impression that you are very close. So it's not so far-fetched that Zhan thinks the same. And that he assumes that his husband is cheating on him and because of his hurt feelings, he voluntarily went to He Peng, because he knows He Peng loves him and would do anything for him and would never betray him." Explained the agent.

"Never! Even if he really thinks I'm cheating on him, he would never go to that guy willingly!" Yibo screamed in despair.

"What are you going to do to find Xiao Zhan?" Asked Joon Jo, after looking at the pictures several times and then putting them away again.

"We've looked everywhere for him. Even at He Peng's house. But there was nobody there except a few employees and He Peng who told us he had no idea where Zhan was. At the moment we have no clues and He Peng's youngest brother refuses to talk to us. We were hoping he might be able to tell us where He Peng could have taken Zhan if Zhan is in his place. And we expect to find Wang Hai Kuan at the same place. But as I said, he refuses to cooperate."

"So you just sit on your asses and wait for a clue to drop in your lap?" Yibo wanted to know.

"Of course not. Right now we're analyzing the videos from the security cameras. But there are many hours and days to analyze because we don't know the exact time of Zhan's disappearance."

"You better find my husband, or I'll make you a living hell, I swear." Yibo replied and then threw the agents out of his apartment.

He knew that the NIS had taken over the case and that Zhan's father's hands were tied since then, yet he wanted to know from him why he didn't tell him that Zhan was missing.

So he called his father-in-law and confronted him. But the father-in-law only said that he had been informed about it himself only a few hours ago. He had been in Shanghai for a few days to attend a training course and therefore had no idea what was going on here while he was away.

Joon Jo tried to calm Yibo down a bit. But he did not know exactly how to do that. He didn't even know how to tell Yibo what happened last night when they got drunk.

When he and Yibo almost kissed when they were drunk. After they sat on the balcony talking for a long time Joon Jo helped Yibo to get back into the living room, they stumbled over the step from the balcony, ended up in the living room and laid on top of each other on the floor. At that moment, both looked into each other's eyes and Joon Jo had tried to kiss Yibo and only a tiny piece would have been missing until their lips touched. But Yibo stopped him at the last moment and told him that he loved Zhan and would never do such a thing.

Joon Jo had been embarrassed by this and couldn't explain to himself what was going on inside him. He loved his wife very much and missed her. He had never been interested in men, but why was he so attracted to Yibo now? Why had he wanted to kiss him? And why did Yibo wait until the last moment before stopping him? Did that mean he might have a chance with Yibo after all?

 He had never been interested in men, but why was he so attracted to Yibo now? Why had he wanted to kiss him? And why did Yibo wait until the last moment before stopping him? Did that mean he might have a chance with Yibo after all?

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