Chapter 27.

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Chapter 27.

Yibo is sitting on his bed and his head is spinning. So much went through his mind that he had trouble sorting it all out.

The night before Joon Yo had tried to kiss him when they were both drunk. At first Yibo thought Joon Jo was just trying to make a joke but after he got closer and closer to him, the panic seized him and he stopped the agent.

Yibo was neither attracted to Joon Jo nor did he have any heart pounding when he looked at him. For him, the NIS agent was nothing more than a friend to talk to and to help him when he was not feeling well.

And that was exactly why he had decided not to talk to Joon Jo about it. Because the moment he tried to kiss Yibo, Yibo was sober again. He remembered everything and hoped that Joon Jo had forgotten it all.

Maybe it was just the alcohol that made Joon Jo suddenly want to kiss Yibo. But actually Yibo didn't want to think about it and for him there was only Zhan anyway. Yibo only wanted only one man, his husband and nobody else.

And even if the kiss only almost happened and Yibo's heart only beat faster for Zhan, he still had a bad conscience.

As if the almost kiss wasn't enough already, pictures were put under his nose today that showed him and Joon Jo intimately. On one picture it looked as if the two would even kiss each other. And of all people, his own brother had sent exactly these pictures to Zhan.

Which means that Zhan could assume that there really is something between him and Joon Jo. That he is cheating on Zhan and has forgotten about him.

And he thought about his husband every day incessantly. With every cell of his body he missed Zhan and just wanted him to be with him.

On top of all that, now Zhan has disappeared. And that the NIS agents believe that he might have voluntarily joined He Peng. But Yibo didn't believe that. Zhan would never do such a thing.

And he didn't want to believe that Zhan believed the pictures and trusted him so little. They must have hurt him, no doubt about it. And Yibo had to think about how much they hurt Zhan and how much his husband was now suffering because of those pictures. And there was nothing Yibo could do to explain everything to his Zhan, to calm him down and tell him that there was nothing and that he was all alone in Yibo's heart.


By Zhan...

Zhan had not seen He Peng since that night. Three times a day, one of He Peng's men came and brought him something to eat while another man stood at the door with a drawn gun and guarded.

The only window in this room had bars. They had even removed the handle, so Zhan wasn't even able to open the window. And the little he could see when he looked out the window made him realize that they were far away from the city.

Besides, he now realized that Hai Kuan is also one of the prisoners here. Through a ventilation shaft in the top of the room wall, the two could communicate.

However, they could not do so without restrictions and only at night. In order to be able to talk to the other one, so that he can understand him, they have to speak a little louder. And during the day this was not possible. Outside their two rooms there were men guarding the doors.

Only at night the men had not been there. At least not right in front of the room door, but still close by. Zhan tested it by throwing over a chair and lying next to it and screaming. Shortly afterwards two men came running into the room, looking to see what had happened.

Zhan had also heard the men outside his door talking and saying that this house was like a fortress and impregnable. The house was not listed in the family's deeds of ownership, making it even more difficult to find out where they dragged Xiao Zhan and the other guy.

It was only then, after three days, that Zhan realized that he was not the only one. He knocked on the walls, but there was no reaction. Then he saw the air vent and called out into it, and then finally he got an answer. Where he then also learned that his own brother-in-law is there.

Zhan had accused him of being responsible for all this and Hai Kuan hadn't even denied it. He admitted that he had let himself be blinded and so he finally played into the hands of He Peng. But he also claimed to have done it with good intention.

"Yes, just like sending me the pictures of Yibo and his protector? Was that also your good intention to hurt me?" Zhan wanted to know. But at first, Hai Kuan kept silent.

Three days later, Hai Kuan claimed that he had only sent the pictures to Zhan to open his eyes and make it clear to him that he would lose Yibo if he didn't go home soon. And that at that time he assumed that He Peng's family would take care of He Peng and get rid of him.

"I was just worried. Yibo and this agent get along really well and are so close to each other that I was afraid that the agent could come between you and destroy your marriage. I had no intention of hurting anyone. I just wanted Yibo to get his husband back and not be unfaithful to him just because he misses you."

"You really think Yibo is that easy to get around? He's not that kind of guy. You should trust him more, especially as his brother."

But no matter how much they had wanted to argue, it had neither been the right time nor the right place for it. They had to find a way to get out of here, and preferably not in a body bag.

But they lacked important information such as how many men were here and where they were. Because even Hai Kuan could see nothing more than a high wire mesh fence, an untouched field and the beginning of a forest.

They saw neither the street, nor signs or even other houses. There was nothing they could orientate themselves by to find out where they were. And they could hardly ask their guards.

In addition, if they both wanted to escape. one of them would have to free the other from his room, and they would have to use the night for that. But how would one of them get out of his room?

Zhan thought about the problem when he was in the bathroom and his gaze was caught on the mirror. What if Zhan were injured? Would they just put a bandage on him? Or take him to a hospital, or at least to a doctor?

Would Zhan even be able to hurt himself? Or could he perhaps threaten one of the men with it and take him as a hostage? This question was immediately rejected by Zhan, because he knew that He Peng didn't care about the lives of his men. And if one of them would die by the hand of Zhan, he would not care.

And while Zhan thoughtfully walked through his room and tried hard to find an idea, he noticed something on the wall carpet. How could he easily move if there is no draft in here?

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