Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan had hardly been able to see each other again during the last three weeks, due to their work and their different shifts. And when they did, Yibo had the impression that something was wrong. That there was something that Zhan was hiding before him.

He had been thinking back and forth for a long time whether he should talk to Zhan about it. Because he wanted to know what was bothering his boyfriend. But he also didn't want to push him to tell him anything.

In the end, he had asked Zhan and wished he hadn't. Because what Zhan told him had not only made Yibo worried but also sad. If what Zhan told him was true, then their relationship would end before it really started.

What Zhan told him? Well, let's go back to Zhan's statement.

"A few years ago, I met someone at a club. He seemed very nice and we exchanged phone numbers. After that we met a few times. And it looked like something might happen between me and him. First I was very fond of He Peng. But I noticed that he suddenly appeared everywhere I went. And not only in my free time. I also had to deal with him in my job."

"So I asked my colleague to check him out because I realized that something was wrong with him. And my colleague found out that he belongs to a family that works with the Mafia. And he's in the middle of it instead of just in it. I found out that he himself was often involved and that he was suspected in several cases of gun smuggling, dealing drugs and even suspected in seven cases of murder. But nobody had any evidence, so they had to let him go every time."

"I broke off contact with him. Which has not stopped him from showing up again and again. And the more I refused him, the worse his behavior became. Only now did another incident occur on a mission. It gets even worse from time to time. And if he had no feelings for me, my colleagues and I would have died that day."

"Of course, the headquarters in Shanghai got wind of this, too, and now they are demanding that I finally find evidence and arrest him. Or else I shall be transferred to Shanghai soon." Zhan had explained to him.

And the thought of Zhan being transferred to Shanghai made Yibo sad. Because how could Zhan find evidence of He Peng's criminal activities within the next few weeks. If he hasn't succeeded for over three years?

Yibo had also realized that Shanghai was not the end of the world. But precisely because of their jobs and the shifts they had to work, they would hardly be able to see each other anymore. After all, they did not have every weekend off. Thanks to the lack of personnel, it was rare that they were given two days off.

Zhan himself had learned about this a few days ago when he received a letter from Shanghai. And he had hoped that he would feel better once he had talked to Yibo about it. But he didn't get better and even more so, now Yibo was totally messed up.

Yet another reason for Zhan to curse the existence of He Peng. Just a few weeks had passed since he and Yibo had gotten together and now the relationship with the young police officer was at stake, all because of He Peng.

Even Zhan had been clear that he would not find any evidence against He Peng in only four weeks. He had been trying for over three years and had nothing in his hand to prove, clearly prove that He Peng was behind all these crimes.

And although he and his colleagues had many witnesses concerning the last incident, the prosecution refused to consider this as a valid reason for an arrest order.

The public prosecutor's office had been under suspicion of accepting bribes and thus supporting He Peng and his family for quite some time. But even here, the evidence was still missing. Who would they give the evidence to if they had any? Who could they trust and who didn't take bribes from the Mafia?

Yibo tried as hard as he could not let anyone see how bad he was doing. But that worked out more badly than well. Even trying to save his tears for the time when he is alone didn't work.

Only in those moments when he was with Zhan and they were holding each other in their arms, Yibo could forget his thoughts for a moment and just enjoy the time with his boyfriend.

And even though the chances of finally finding any evidence of He Peng's guilt were slim. So Zhan still didn't want to give up and fight until the last day. He wouldn't give up and even if he was transferred, he wouldn't give up until He Peng was behind bars.

For Yibo alone, Zhan would do anything to finally catch this guy. He doesn't want to lose Yibo. Because sooner or later it would come down to this. Eventually they would break up if they couldn't see or talk to each other regularly.

And Yibo decided for himself to find out who this He Peng is and maybe he and his colleagues would be able to cooperate with the federal agents this one time and maybe they would find something that would put He Peng in jail.

Because Yibo was also not willing to give up his relationship with Zhan and that only because of one asshole.

Moreover, Yibo knows some agents who surely want to find out if the prosecution gets bribes and if so, from whom. And when they' re on a case, they don't give up easily. They just bite down and turn over every rock until they find something.

Yibo and Zhan sat together on the sofa in Zhan's apartment and talked about the different possibilities they have now. But also about what would happen if Zhan was transferred to Shanghai after all.

"Should I have to leave. I will do everything I can to get back here as soon as possible. I definitely don't want to break up with you and I would try to come here whenever I have time off." Explained Zhan.

"I don't want to think that far ahead ZhanZhan. And even if it does happen, and you have to go, I'll stay with you. And this morning, at a meeting with my Supervisor, he gave me an idea. If all possibilities are exhausted, I'll request a transfer to Shanghai. Because you know Zhan, I'm glad I found you and I'm not going to let anything or anyone separate us. I cannot and will not give up on you. Never!" Said Yibo in a very serious tone.

"Are you sure you want to go this far?" Asked him Zhan.

"I'm absolutely sure. Before I risk losing you, I better get a transfer. I want to be with you and stay together. It doesn't matter where I am, as long as I have you by my side, I don't care about anything else. I love you and that's why I'll fight for us and never give up!" Yibo responded with a strong firm voice.

"Every day you give me more reasons to love you. And I am happy to have you. I hope it never has to come to this, but I'm glad you would." Said Zhan on it and hugged Yibo.

" Said Zhan on it and hugged Yibo

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