Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

Overjoyed and proud Yibo looked at his marriage certificate, as he had done many times before in the past seven days. The marriage certificate, which proved that he Wang Yibo had married, his dream man.

In the past he could never have imagined that he would ever marry. Especially not that he would ever propose. But since he met Zhan, everything is different. Everything had changed.

Who would have thought that he would ever meet a man who would not only turn his life upside down, but also make it a much better life? A man for whom he would do anything.

Yibo put down the marriage certificate and went back into the bedroom. He looked at his beautiful sleeping husband from the doorway and smiled. He quietly closed the door and went to the bed where he lay down next to Zhan and closed his arms around him. "I love you ZhanZhan." He whispered and gave Zhan a kiss on the cheek.

Zhan snuggled up properly against Yibo, put his arms around him and gave him a kiss. "I love you too, my love." He replied in a whisper.

In just a few days, they'll start their plan. They want to spread the information about the impending transfer of the federal agent among the criminals and hope that they can thus lure He Peng out of his reserve.

He hasn't been hiding for a while. Because there was no evidence against him, the public prosecutor's office was kept quiet by him with bribes and nobody else would dare to testify against him, He Peng was and is a free man.

He Peng walked around freely. Only a few days ago, he was seen strolling leisurely through a shopping mall with a few men and buying something here and there. He sat grinning in a snack bar that had recently opened in the mall. And all that the officers could do was to watch him.

As for the plan to convict the criminal acts of He Peng, where Zhan is supposed to approach him, Yibo had several thoughts. Or rather, they were fears. Fear that He Peng might find out what Zhan is planning. Fear Zhan might get hurt or even worse, killed. And his biggest fear is that Zhan might fall in love with He Peng.

As Yibo well knows that Zhan and He Peng have gone out with each other a few times and Zhan even believed at that time that something serious, something solid could develop between the two until he found out who He Peng really is.

Of course, Yibo knew that Zhan loves him and that he can trust him, but still, these fears were deeply rooted in him.

If it were up to Yibo and they had more time, they would screw up the plan and see if they could somehow find another way to bring He Peng to justice. But it didn't go after Yibo, and they didn't have more time.

Tired from his night shift at the headquarter, he closed his eyes and wondered when they would assign him a new partner and who it would be.

When Yibo woke up in the afternoon, Zhan had already left. He was on late duty and that meant he wouldn't see Zhan again until tomorrow morning when he would come home tired and exhausted from his night shift and go to bed just like this morning, take Zhan in his arms, whisper that he loved him and then fall asleep.

After he showered, Yibo went into the kitchen where he found a note from his husband. "Hi honey, your dinner is in the oven. Have a rest after dinner. Miss and love you." It was on the note.

Yibo warmed up his food and looked around the apartment, it is so quiet when Zhan is not there. The sofa looks deserted when Zhan is not sitting or lying on it and calls Yibo to come and cuddle a little.

Always Yibo was used to being alone and had always liked and enjoyed it that way. But since he knows Zhan and the two became a couple, being alone felt like loneliness for him. Like an emptiness that only fills when the other is there.

And it was for this very reason, this feeling of loneliness and emptiness, that Yibo had decided he would follow Zhan everywhere. He no longer wanted to be alone. He just wanted to be with his husband.

Just before Yibo had to leave for his last night duty of the week, he wrote a note to Zhan. "My honey, your dinner is in the fridge. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Love and miss you very much."

Smiling, he stuck the note on the fridge. He knew that Zhan and he would have two days off starting tomorrow. Finally they would be able to spend time together again. They planned to go away for the two days.

They rented a small house in the countryside for two days. Since they could not have a honeymoon, they wanted to at least take a short trip and enjoy the time together. Without anyone to disturb them. No phones, no internet, just him and his husband.

And while Yibo was on his way to his work, at the same time Zhan was preparing for his evening off. It had been a long and exhausting day. And he had found out something about Yibo's late colleague Tao Long.

The Old Police Officer had been behaving strangely lately, exposing himself and Yibo to unnecessary danger, and finally ran into a pharmacy where three teenagers had broken into, against his direct orders, and was shot dead.

It was because of this strange behavior that the otherwise very cautious officer, they had decided to do an autopsy. It was discovered that Tao Long had an undiscovered tumor in his brain. This not only affected the logical thinking of the old officer, but also his ability to recognize dangers as such.

Zhan felt sorry for his husband's deceased colleague. At the same time he was glad that nothing happened to Yibo and that he would not be exposed to this danger anymore. Who knows what else would have happened if Tao Long and Yibo were still on patrol?

It was very strange when He Peng, who had been hiding somewhere for weeks, suddenly showed up everywhere. Every officer in this city was looking for him and didn't find the slightest clue to his remaining. And then He Peng shows up and is suddenly untouchable.

But for the moment, Zhan didn't want to think about all this, neither about the danger Tao Long posed to Yibo. Nor about He Peng, who strutted around showing everyone that he was now untouchable. Nor did he want to think about the fact that he might be transferred in a few months.

For Zhan, there was only one thing to do at the moment: go home, eat, shower and pack a bag for the next two or three days. Because finally he and Yibo would be able to go on a trip together for the first time and enjoy their togetherness, cut off from the rest of the world. Everything else can wait, but that cannot. 

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