Chapter 21.

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Chapter 21.

Yibo is on the night shift again. He sits at the police station's central office and takes incoming emergency calls and forwards them to the officers on patrol. It was quiet that night and only a few emergency calls came in.

Outside it was raining cats and dogs and it had been doing so for a week. In the afternoon there were first reports of flooding and flood hazards in other areas, near Beijing.

There is a pond in the green area of the housing estate. In the morning a company came by and inspected it. Also there the water already began to overflow and swallowed the stones that had been placed around the pond in a decorative way as a border.

The employee of the company pumped water from the pond with a large pump, so that the pond was only half full. But how long would it stay that way? If it continued to rain like this, it would soon overflow again and the pond would be destroyed.

Yibo had actually wanted to sleep, but he watched the man's hustle and bustle for more than two hours before he went to his empty bed and fell asleep with thoughts of his husband who hadn't been with him for almost four weeks.

Meanwhile Yibo slept all day when he was on night duty. And he also preferred to sleep otherwise. Because then he didn't feel this longing for Zhan. This desire to finally seeing him again.

And when he came on night duty today, he asked the same question as every day when he came to work. "Any news of my husband?"

But for a week now, no more information has come in. Apparently, nothing new had come in, nothing had changed.

And now that he's sitting at the central office and has hardly anything to do, where it seems like time stands still and his shift doesn't go by at all and he's bored. He stared at his phone most of the time and wished Zhan would write him a message, for example, "Honey, I'm coming home. It's over!"

But that was just wishful thinking on Yibo's part. He had received a message today, but it was only from his operator. They informed him of a new tariff. And if he wants to know more, he should come to the store tomorrow at 3 pm and get more information

More precisely, it said, "If you want to know more about our new tariff, come to our shop at Sample Street 5 on Thursday the 10th at <3 pm."

Yibo didn't even know that there was a business there from his network operator, so we just shook his head. "Since when does anyone get days and times when they get advertising for a new tariff? And why do I have to go to the store for that? I might as well look it up on the Internet." Murmured Yibo when he read the message.

The night shift was drawing to a close and Yibo was tired getting ready for his end of work. The only thing missing was his replacement. And as soon as his colleague is there and has taken over the headset, Yibo can make his way home.

Yibo's colleague Chen Yun came running into the central office and looked at his three colleagues questioningly.

"Didn't you hear what happened last night? Apparently, federal agents had a huge fight near the harbor. They say there were multiple injuries on both sides."

With one leap Yibo jumped up. Alarmed and worried that his husband might be one of the injured. "What exactly happened? Do you know anything more than that?" He almost screamed in panic that something might have happened to Zhan.

"Apparently, the drug squad got a tip A cargo ship carrying a container is suspected of being used to smuggle drugs in. The DEA called in the federal agency to help. At the port, they encountered several heavily armed men. Over an hour of repeated shots were reported. They say there was hand-to-hand combat. Federal agency and DEA agents are reported to have been injured. But also their attackers. In fact, four people were killed."

"So what? Is it known which federal agents were injured?"

"No, of course not. But Yibo, don't worry. Your husband was not there. He' s not on duty this week. At least that's what my buddy and your husband's colleague told me."

Relieved but still a little worried, Yibo set off for home. His heart still hasn't calmed down completely and is beating faster than usual.

Because of his still racing heart, Yibo had decided not to drink coffee that morning. Just shower and go to bed. And as he lies there in his bed, looking at the pictures of Zhan on his phone again and briefly looking at the name of his network provider, he remembered the message he had received.

And all of a sudden the following 5 <3 (<=heart) 10, more details, come by. Suddenly the message made sense to him and a big grin appeared on his face.

"Of course I can't miss this information." He said to himself and laughed while holding the phone to his chest.

Yibo slept until noon, then he got up, ate a snack, took a shower and walked back and forth like a lion in a cage. Again and again he looked at his watch and couldn't believe how incredibly slow time passed.

Finally, when it was 2:30 pm, he dashed out of the apartment, down the stairs and to the parking lot, where he went to his motorcycle and sat on it. "Time to get information." He muttered and started the machine.

At 2:55 pm Yibo reached the new store at Sample Street 5. He entered the store, there were still two female customers there and looked around. Yibo showed the employee the message he received. "Ah, yes, exactly. Why don't you go ahead into my office, it's right back there. I'll be right there." He said, pointing to a door in the back of the store.

With quick steps Yibo walked towards the door, opened it, stepped inside the room and closed the door quickly and with tears in his eyes. "ZhanZhan... I knew it was you. I missed you so much." He muttered and fell into Zhan's arms.

Yibo pressed Zhan tightly. Zhan put both hands on Yibo's cheeks and gave him a long kiss. "I'm glad you understood. I really miss you so much."

Zhan, together with his father, had thought about what they could do so that Zhan and Yibo could at least see each other now and then. So they got the permission from NIS to open a fake business. The employee, the two female customers, they are NIS agents.

It was Zhan who approached the NIS and asked them for help. And after telling everything he knows, as well as the story about the Buying Prosecutors, the head of the NIS was more than passionate about the case and offered his help.

And now, thanks to the NIS, they have not only found a powerful ally, but also a way for Zhan and Yibo to see each other at least once in a while.

And now, thanks to the NIS, they have not only found a powerful ally, but also a way for Zhan and Yibo to see each other at least once in a while

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