Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.

Although Wang Yibo tried once again to convince his mother to spare him this date, he couldn't get around it. His mother insisted that he go on that date, no matter what.

When you look at the mother of Wang Yibo you see the following. A woman in her late forties, even if she looks younger, petite and small built, with wavy black hair of medium length, which obviously couldn't hurt a fly.

She usually wears dresses and shoes with high heels. Her style of dress was more that of a young woman in her twenties than a woman in her late forties. As a single mother, she was always top-styled, in case she met someone else.

Fifteen years had passed since the divorce from Yibo's father and she had had one or two relationships since then, but it rarely lasted longer than a few months.

There was only one man that Yibo believed he could become his stepfather. But then it turned out that this man was already married and had three small children at home besides his wife.

It took her almost a year before she was ready to start dating again. After all, she had a two-year relationship with the other guy and assumed that he wanted to marry her. That he loved her and was honest with her.

And it was exactly this man who had turned the mother of Wang Yibo. After she found out that he is married and his wife has to look after his triplets alone at home, she changed.

She was suddenly no longer the kind little woman everyone liked. She was hard and unyielding. Both professionally and privately. She would not take no for an answer. You had to do what she said, and if you didn't, you'd get the shock of your life.

Wang Yibo once heard an employee say that his mother looked like an angel but carried the devil in her body. And sometimes even Yibo believed this. Because the strict she showed at work, she also pulled through with Yibo.

"You will go on that date, no arguments! Go take a shower, put on some decent clothes and then go on that damn date. And don't you dare scare the person away I'll find out anyway!" She hissed when Yibo tried to talk to her.

When Yibo finished showering and dressing, his mother looked at him and styled his hair. "And at least try to smile." She admonished him, even though she knew her son well enough to know that Wang Yibo wasn't smiling.

She always accused him of being like his father. Many times she had also complained that she didn't keep his big brother with her, since he was such a nice and friendly young man.

She had probably been right. Because Wang Yibo's big brother was the exact opposite of him. Everyone who met Hai Kuan praised his friendly and amiable nature. He laughs a lot and also likes to laugh and unlike Yibo he has no problems in love.

His eight years older brother had already found his great love six years ago. He married his wife and one year later they had their first child. A boy, two years later a girl followed. Oh yes, Hai Kuan was definitely on the sunny side of life.

No matter what he tackled, it was a success. So he was not only popular in his job, but also in his private environment, with his many friends. However, he and Yibo did not have a particularly good relationship with each other.

Back when his parents divorced, Yibo wanted to stay together with his brother. But Hai Kuan refused, he didn't want to have his little brother with him. Because at that time Yibo had been very affectionate to his brother and Hai Kuan couldn't stand that.

Only when Hai Kuan got older, he had tried to build a good brotherly relationship with Yibo. But Yibo was no longer interested. "I've managed the last ten years without a big brother." Had said it to him and left.

A few times Hai Kuan had then tried Yibo, but Yibo remained stubborn. Even after all these years, he had still been too hurt that his own brother had rejected him. After all, he was the only confidant he had and that's exactly what suddenly rejected him.

Sometimes Yibo missed his father. A male role model who teaches him everything that belongs to being a man and becoming a man. But Yibo had not seen his father since the divorce. No matter how many times he tried to call and write him, nothing ever came back.

This proved where Wang Yibo got his seeming coldness and hardness from. But it had only been apparent and no one ever bothered to look behind his façade. To try to recognize the gentle and vulnerable Yibo.

His father had always been cold and unfriendly to Yibo. Perhaps because he was the middle child. He loved Hai Kuan more than anything and he showed this to him every day. And he loved Wang Yibo's little sister.

Only Yibo somehow always felt empty. And when Yibo's little sister died at the age of five because she fell into the pool at her kindergarten friend's birthday party and nobody noticed and she drowned, Yibo's father became a monster.

He started to drink alcohol regularly and when he was drunk he often beat Yibo black and blue. Sometimes he beat him so badly that he lost consciousness for hours and often had to go to hospital.

And it was Yibo's uncle who stepped in and took Yibo for a while until his father had solved his alcohol problems. But as soon as he had overcome his addiction, he filed for divorce and disappeared with Yibo's big brother, forever from Yibo's life.

Even though Yibo should have, he did not hate his father. He never hated his father. He just wished that his father would have had at least some feelings for him and would have spent some time with him from time to time.

Wang Yibo stood in front of the mirror in his room and looked at himself once more. Then he took a deep breath in and out and made his way to the restaurant to meet his blind date.

 Then he took a deep breath in and out and made his way to the restaurant to meet his blind date

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