Chapter 29.

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Chapter 29.

Seo Joon took Zhan to his black SUV and waited for his colleague who brought Hai Kuan with him. Then they informed some central office that Zhan had never heard of.

"Are you alright Zhan? Do you need a doctor?" Wanted to know Seo Joon and looked at Zhan with concern.

Zhan shook his head. "No, I just want to see my husband. That's all I want." He replied and Seo Joon looked at him questioningly.

"Well first, we just took He Peng and the rest of his family into custody. I'm glad I overheard that you were kidnapped. Who knows how long you would have had to wait for your rescue. My superior agreed immediately when I asked him if I could look for you. And like I've always said. No matter where you are, I will always and everywhere find you." Seo Joon replied.

Hai Kuan looked at Zhan questioningly, but Zhan just shook his head. He didn't want to explain now. But Seo Joon always had his own head and imagined Hai Kuan himself.

"Hi, I'm Park Seo Joon, Zhan's ex-fiancé."

"Hi, Wang Hai Kuan, Zhan's brother-in-law." Hai Kuan replied.

"So you really are married, huh?" Seo asked Joon and Zhan saw a bright sparkle in his eyes.

"I am. And I would like to see my husband now." Explained Zhan.

Seo Joon gave Zhan his phone and Zhan called Yibo. "Honey, it's me..." Zhan did not get any further at first, because Yibo started crying as soon as he heard Zhan. Only when Yibo calmed down did Zhan give his position and thirty minutes later, several cars from the Federal Agency arrived. In one of the cars, was Yibo with his father-in-law.

Yibo jumped out of the car and came running towards Zhan. Zhan spread his arms and took Yibo in his arms as soon as he arrived. Zhan's father, who also ran towards Zhan, took the two of them in his arms and pressed them tightly against him.

Then Zhan's father saw a familiar face. "Holy shit, Seo Joon, is that really you?" He asked and took him in his arms. "I should have known that only you would be able to find my boy."

"Hi Pa, I'm sorry for disappearing like that." Seo Joon replied.

Yibo looked at his father-in-law and at Seo Joon and asked Zhan who that was. Zhan took a deep breath and was about to answer when Zhan's father came before him. "This is my son-in-law Wang Yibo, a good boy. And this young man almost became my son-in-law then." He explained.

With a broad grin, Seo Joon Yibo reached out his hand and greeted him. "Congratulations, you really got the best man in the world." He said to Yibo.

Yibo just nodded and took Zhan in his arms again. He didn't want to let his confusion show. Zhan had never told him that he had been engaged before. And it annoyed him when his father-in-law said that only Seo Joon would be able to find Zhan.

But for now Yibo didn't care. Because he finally got Zhan back and over the radio they also heard about the arrest of He Peng and the rest of his criminal family.

Hai Kuan approached Yibo and expected that Yibo would yell at him again immediately. But instead of that, Yibo took his brother in his arms and told him that he is glad that he is doing well.

Zhan took Yibo's hand, smiled at him and asked him if they could now finally go home. Yibo nodded and pulled Zhan behind him to one of the cars. After his father-in-law allowed him to take it and drive home with Zhan.

It had not escaped Zhan's notice that Joon Jo had also been there and how he had looked behind Yibo. But at the same time he noticed that Yibo didn't pay any attention to him.

Yibo sat behind the wheel and waited for Zhan to buckle up. "I'm so glad you're okay and that I finally have you back. I missed you so much and I was so worried." He said to Zhan and then leaned over to him to give him a long and loving kiss.

"Let's go home, I need to shower and get clean clothes and then I'll tell you everything. And then you'll explain to me what's going on with the pictures, too. OK? I know I can trust you, but I still want to hear how it happened." Said Zhan as he stroked Yibo over the cheek.

"Yeah, and you're gonna tell me why you never told me about your ex-fiancé." Yibo replied.

"He and I grew up together as children. We met in kindergarten and later fell in love. He proposed and I said yes. But right before the wedding, he kept talking about wanting to be a secret agent and not a federal agent as planned. And then suddenly he was gone. Overnight, he was gone. Without a word of good-bye, without an explanation. To this day, I have never seen or heard from him again. I'd been looking for him for a while, but at some point I gave up. And the reason I didn't tell you about him is, it doesn't matter anymore. The only thing that matters to me, that is you. No matter how I felt about him then, it's gone. The only man I love is you. So don't worry. He's the past. You are my present and my future." Explained Zhan to him.

Yibo pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. He looked Zhan in the eyes and took him in his arms before giving him a kiss. "I am glad you see it that way. I love you more than anything, and I was afraid for a moment that you might have feelings for him again."

Zhan shook his head, smiling. "Never. The only one who makes my heart beat faster is you. All alone you."

No sooner had the two of them been home than Yibo went to the kitchen to cook Zhan something to eat, while Zhan went to the bathroom to shower and put on clean clothes afterwards.

During the meal Yibo explained how the pictures came about and he also admitted that Joon Jo had tried to kiss him. Zhan listened very carefully and cooked inside when Yibo told him that there was almost a kiss between his husband and his bodyguard.

At the same time, Zhan was glad that Yibo stopped the agent and told him clearly that he loves Zhan.

After dinner the two went into the bedroom. It had been a long and hard time for both of them and right now they were just tired and wanted to sleep. Because all the excitement, worries and tension of the last days and weeks had left them and their physical strength had long since run out.

Arm in arm they lay in bed and held each other tightly. And with a tired smile, a long kiss and telling each other how much they love each other, they fell asleep together.

 And with a tired smile, a long kiss and telling each other how much they love each other, they fell asleep together

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