Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9.

Yibo ran into the house and tried to control his heartbeat. Grinning and with red cheeks he wanted to go to his room. But was stopped by his mother. She sat in her armchair and stared at him with big eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you ill? Do you have a fever?" She asked him startled when she saw his red face.

With a grin, Yibo shook his head.

"Where did you come from? Have you been working overtime again?" She wanted to know.

"No, I'd had a date." Yibo replied and giggled.

"Ah, I see. And I suppose you were out with your boyfriend? When do I get to meet him?" She asked Yibo.

"In the afternoon. He's coming here in the afternoon. You can meet him then." Told Yibo and ran upstairs to his room.

He locked the door behind him and threw himself on his bed. Happily, he looked in his phone at Zhan's phone number. But he found it not under his name, but under "My boyfriend".

"Oh, yes, Federal Agent Xiao Zhan. That will be you soon. Soon these words will come true. I promise." He murmured and thought about writing a message to Zhan.

"Thanks for the evening and thanks for bringing me home. Looking forward to this afternoon. Good night. "Your BOYFRIEND Yibo." He finally wrote and giggled.

"You're welcome, my dear. Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite. See you later. Kiss" Zhan wrote back shortly after.

Yibo smiled and then put his phone on the nightstand. He dashed into the bathroom, took a quick shower and put on his sleeping clothes. He got into the bed and wished he had a picture of Xiao Zhan, which he would stare at until he fell asleep.

Around three o'clock that night, Yibo finally fell asleep.

Zhan also lay awake for a long time thinking about the evening with Yibo. He wondered if it was only the alcohol that made him like that or if Yibo could see more in him.

For Zhan this would be a great wish come true. Because Yibo had somehow taken a liking to him. This young police officer had been more than just a friend to him and he hoped for much more than what they had in the Dark Alley.

It had been a long time since Zhan had fallen in love with someone and even longer since those feelings were returned. And the last time he fell in love, you couldn't really count. Because he had a crush on this one star. This Lan Zhan from the series The Untamed, which he discovered by chance when he was once again sleepless in his bed.

He liked this Lan Zhan very much, and he wished he could have been his Wei Ying. But now he had another goal. He wanted to have Wang Yibo and maybe he would become his Lan Zhan.

With these thoughts Zhan drifted into a deep sleep.

It was early afternoon and Yibo could hardly wait until Zhan finally came to them. He ran back and forth. Up and down. Almost driving his mother crazy.

"Boy, damn it, why don't you sit down? I'm getting dizzy from all your pacing." She bitched.

Yibo sat down and looked nervously at the TV, but couldn't concentrate and wondered if he should write a message to Zhan and ask him when he would arrive.

Luckily, Yibo only had to wait another ten minutes until the doorbell finally rang. Yibo jumped up from his seat and ran to the front door. He opened it and beamed happily into the face of Xiao Zhan.

And before Zhan could say anything, Yibo grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house with him, where Yibo's mother got up from her armchair and looked at Zhan with big eyes.

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