24. Day Well Spent

Start from the beginning


"I just remembered something." I glared at Lupin. "I never found out what purple means in metamorphmagus colors." I said I'd look it up but I never did. "You've had purple hair for a while now and sometimes your eyes would be purple. Now it's green but then later it would just be purple. Your hair is blue and purple and I just want to know what it means. Does purple mean like you're really bored? Or excited or hungry?"

Lupin let out a nervous laugh. "No."

"No what?"

"Just no."

"So what does purple hair mean?"

"It means I'm punk rock and I have cool hair." He grins, brushing a hand through his 'cool hair'.

Just then, an old lady came up to our table with a couple of menus. "Good morning! Teddy, nice to see you again! How's your grandmother? And is this the girl you've been talking about? Girlfriend? Nice to meet you love!" Wow this lady sure is talkative and friendly. "You've got beautiful hair and pretty eyes just like Teddy said!" She's also adorable.

"Ha ha." Lupin laughs awkwardly. "Um..."

"You're very kind, ma'am, but we are just friends."

"Oh friends with benefits?"

"No. Just friends." I chuckled.

The lady opened her mouth to reply but Lupin quickly spoke up. "Gran's doing great! Oh look, Seth's back! Hi Seth! This is Esther. Esther, this is Seth and that's Sam."

Esther beamed at me. "You are the girl that our young man here has been gushing about! Samantha! He would always talk to his grandmother about you, you know. I think you both will be a lovely couple. What do you kids say these days? A boat? Like when two people in a relationship are good together? Oh! Ship! I ship you and him." She giggles, giving me a thumbs up.

I don't even know what to say. I don't even know what to think right now. I am so confused. Lupin was talking about me? To his grandmother and to this adorable lady? Should I smile or should I laugh or both at the same time?

"But anyway, nice to see you all. What do you want to have for breakfast today, kids? Teddy, the usual I presume?"

While we order our breakfast, I couldn't help but laugh at Lupin's very pink face.
I ended up just ordering whatever I usually order for breakfast and coffee.
When Esther left, Seth just looks like he's the most confused man ever, Lupin as the real life strawberry and me just dying inside.

"Well that was interesting...."

Lupin glared, still pink from embarrassment. "Shut up Sam."

"Have you been talking to your grandmother and Esther about me, Teddy?" I teased, tilting my head and sticking by bottom lip out a little. "Either that or you were talking about Sammy, the 4th year Ravenclaw girl who has the biggest crush on Fred. In that case, I don't think you'll work out. I don't ship it, as Esther would say."

"I am so confused." Seth frowns.

Me too, Seth. Me too.


After wasting almost 3 hours going around Westfield London, Seth finally finished his shopping. The 3 hours in the shopping center mostly consisted of Seth going in circles trying to choose the right gifts, Lupin singing to whatever is playing on the radio and me commenting on Seth's gifts and doing my best to ignore Lupin, even when he's right next to me all the time.

When Seth was trying to find a gift for mum, Lupin and I stood at the center of the shop and Taylor Swift plays on the radio. He started to sing along and we almost got kicked out of the shop because some women were annoyed with us. Fortunately though, Seth made it back on time. He decided to buy mum a scented candle and a lava lamp.

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