9. Hogsmeade Trip

Start from the beginning

"You think I'll take something from you? A big box, from you? While we're at Zonko's?" I snorted, crossing my arms as I stared at the box. "I'm not an idiot, Lupin."

"Fine." He grunted. "I'll just save it for someone else."

"That's cool."

Roxanne Weasley

After Zonko's, Sam got to pick the next place to go and she chose Honeydukes. Apparently, she's been wanting to go there since the beginning because she's craving sweets. While we walked towards the sweet shop, the girl practically ran and left us behind. I watched as she skipped towards Honeydukes, eventually bumping to a group of third years.

I know one of them is Steve Clark, Hufflepuff, who has had a bit of a crush on Sam. His group are often early when coming to the Great Hall for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One time I passed by them, I hear him talk about how pretty Sam is. Right now when she bumped against them, I could see his face lighting up from blocks away.

"Who's that?" Teddy asked. "The tomato boy that Samantha's talking to?"

"Steve Clark." I answered, eyeing him suspiciously. "He has this puppy love on Sam. It's cute." I looked back at the group and this time, Sam wasn't there anymore and Steve is being teased by his mates.

"Oh." This time, I wasn't the only one that noticed the odd tone from Teddy. Seth also gave him a confused look that matches mine, but Teddy didn't seem to notice. He just stares ahead.

When we made it inside, all I see is the wavy dark red haired girl running around the shop with three sweets on her hands. "Oh god." Seth groaned. "This is going to take a while."

I leaned by the window next to Teddy while Fred and Seth also looked around the shop. "Peppermint Toads? Oh my god. Exploding Bonbons? Toffees!" Sam is literally the loudest one in the shop right now.

I was about to start a conversation with Teddy but before I could talk, he left and headed to where Sam is. He's gotten a bit too close to her, up to the point where they look like they'd be kissing if someone bumped into them. If I am a complete stranger, I'd think that Sam and Teddy are a couple.

Just looking at them right now, they're acting like one.

Sam shoving exploding bonbons on his mouth.
Teddy smiling at her (showing off his teeth covered with chocolate).
Sam playfully pushing him.
Teddy begging her to buy him acid pops (because he wasted all his money on Zonko's).

I tore my eyes from them and stood next to Seth, who is now eating jelly slugs. "Is it just me or are Teddy and Sam --- "




You can't go to Hogsmeade without going to the Three Broomsticks: that's what Fred said. So here we are at the pub, sitting on a table with our Butterbeers and one big apple pie to share.

"I have a question. Just out of curiosity." Roxanne turned to me after chugging down half of her Butterbeer. "Who do you think are attractive boys in our school? And notice I said boys? Because clearly there are more attractive girls than attractive boys at Hogwarts." Haha, it's true.

I chuckled at her question. "None."

"Gee, thanks." Fred pouted. "I thought you and I had something, Sammy."

"Okay fine. Fred."


"Well, let's see." I thought through my head, thinking of the boys I've seen. "There's really not a lot. Nate Wood. Cal Snow. That's literally it. I don't really pay attention so I don't know."

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