Chapter 36: The Return

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Angel was on his armory floor and putting away his electric daggers. He wanted to be prepared for the invasion so he left them in front of his armory. He wanted to use other guns, but they might not make a dent with Homeworlds technology since they have spaceships that can travel across the galaxy. He wanted to make better gear but he doesn't have enough time for creating new gear and also gear for Steven since he was a kid. Angel only needed the measurements for Steven, but he doesn't. Angel started walking towards the elevator but was stopped by the ringing of his cell phone.

Angel answers the phone, "Hello?"

BP shouts out, "They're here!"

Angel was confused, "What?"

BP explains, "The Homeworld Gems! They are here with their warship!"

"I'll be right there." Angel then hung up on the phone.

Angel ran towards the daggers and grabs them. It was the strongest material he created and sheathed it into his belt. He runs towards the same small metal balls that can turn into spiders and also a voice changer. He wanted to change his voice, so that he can sound insane and that the Homeworld Gems would be scared of him. The voice changer is a small chip that can be put on the side of his neck or behind it. Angel was planning to put his outfit on his outfit floor but changed of plans. The outfit was in a duffel bag and his helmet. Angel grabs it and enters the elevator. The elevator starts going up to the top floor and he was ready to fight. Angel could have brought something to take down the ship, but it might only scratch it. He looks through his future vision and still, it won't do anything to help.

The elevator stops at the top floor and Angel walks out. Angel saw BP passing back and forth and she looks nervous. Angel presses the voice changer chip and that made it record the person's voice that is not the wearer's voice.

BP stops pacing and faces towards Angel, "I'm getting nervous about all of this. If we were to just leave with Sapphire's ship, we would be safe."

Angel presses the voice changer chip and it saved the voice.

Angel says to BP, "We have to protect Earth because if we fail, Homeworld might have other plans for Earth and also might make us into pawns for their empire."

BP nods, "Your right." She then grabs her head, "What was I thinking?"

Angel walks up to BP, "It just an act of desperation. We both know that they are powerful and strict, but we are the most creative, so that leaves them as a disadvantage for that part."

BP asks Angel, "Was that an attempt to cheer me up?"

Angel shrugs, "At least I tried."

"Steven called about the warship entering Earth's atmosphere."

Angel starts walking to the garage, "Then let's go!"

Angel and BP enter the garage and then Angel's car. Angel changed his car that he used ever since they have dinner with Connie's family to the car he drove with when he first came to Beach City. Angel put his duffel bag in the back and opens the garage door. He starts driving off to Steven's house and was determined to fight. BP looks scarred and was getting more scarred when Angel kept driving where the hand is landing towards. Angel thought why Homeworld Gems would land towards where the Crystal Gems were and not where their main objective is.

By the time Angel and BP parked near the big donut, they both saw cannons firing at the warship. Angel thought it would be some Gem tech that the Crystal Gems had over the years. BP looks towards the cannon fire and thought it was beautiful because of the color. Angel and BP got out of the car and started running towards the cannons were firing at.

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