Chapter 32: The Past Haunts The Present

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Angel told everything to BP of what happened when he met Sapphire. BP was focused on every word that came out of Angel's mouth. BP was happy for Angel that he met Sapphire and remembered her now as a good mother. Angel might have an input of the reason why he ended up like how he is because of how he convinced Sapphire to leave him in the living condition he is in. If Angel convinced Sapphire to go to Homeworld or something else, he would vanish from his current timeline. Angel was now relaxing on his couch while BP was watching TV After going through time, Angel felt tired from the experience of it.

BP asks Angel, "Are you going to visit Sapphire after all of this is over?"

Angel sighs, "When will it be over?"

"I have two ideas."

Angel faced BP, "Like what?"

BP explains, "Well, you can go to Homeworld or The Zoo."

"Both would lose my freedom and no adventure."

"I know but its the safest options."

"Or might make me into a lab rat to know how I'm still living with a gem in my chest."

BP looks down, "Yeah."

Angel stood up, "Well, I'm going to get something to drink. You want anything?"

BP says, "Some soda."

Angel snaps his fingers, "You got it."

Angel started walking towards the kitchen and went straight to his liquor cabinet. He pulled out a Hennessy bottle and started pouring it into a glass cup. He would get BP's soda last since he was mixing drinks. While pouring his drink, Angel saw red everywhere. It was as if somebody put red a visor in front of his eyes. His heart started to bound, he was feeling sweat falling down on his face. He then started breathing hard and looked around to grab onto something. He then heard voices coming from everywhere. They started off as whispering then they started to shout. Angel has to cover his ears from the voices, but that wouldn't help. He had his glass still in his so it was only next to his head when he was covering his ears. He was getting weak and starts to fall onto one of his knees. He started biting down onto his teeth. The voices started to fade away and his red vision. He looks around himself to see if he was OK. There were no injections, stabs, or any spots on him.

Angel went back to pouring his cup but noticed that his drink was frozen. He puts it into his sink and went back to his cabinet and grabbed another cup. He poured his Hennessy into his cup, but one-third of the way. He then poured another drink into it and went to grab BP's soda that it was in a can. He didn't want to tell BP his problem because they have enough on their plate. He walks towards the living room and gave BP her drink.

Angel says to BP, "Here you go."

BP says to Angel, "Thank you." She then opens her soda.

Angel took his seat and was watching TV. He didn't really bother with it since it seems like a one-time thing. He took sips from his drink since it was still morning. It seemed peaceful then Angel heard the voices again. The voices were getting louder and louder. His vision then began to go red and his heart started to pound. BP was too focused on the TV, so she didn't know what was happening around her. Angel tries to keep his composure but was sweating bullets. His drink started to freeze up, but he didn't notice it. He quickly puts it on the table, so it won't freeze anymore. Now part of his couch started to freeze. The voices started to go away and his red vision too. It's a good thing that BP didn't notice because she would be asking questions.

Angel stood up and walks towards the door, "I'm going outside for a bit."

BP says to Angel, "OK, don't do anything dangerous."

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