Alternate story 4

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(Sorry if I made so much of alternate stories. I just got like ideas about these while writing this story. This one is about Angel while he is young and is a mercenary. He has his home in an ancient gem sight but The Crystal Gems have a mission to his home since his home was holding a generator used to store a lot of power, but Angel got to it first and started to reverse engineer it. He created many things form the generator that increases the rate of inventions he was making and still have power to the ancient gem sight. He fixed and cleaned it enough that it looks somewhat new but has his tools or other stuff stored with his inventions. He didn't adopt Ace yet until later.)

Angel woke up from the alarm clock he sat but it was still dark outside since he woke up at least five in the morning. Angel lifted his eyelids but one by one since he doesn't want to wake up. 

Angel sounded exhausted, "Uggh." He then sits up.

Angel looked over towards the alarm clock and grabbed it. He throws it at the wall with all his might. He didn't even care if some bits of it were everywhere.

Angel sighs, "Why did I even get an alarm clock?"

Angel took off his blanket and sat on the edge of the bed. He then thinks about what he is going to do today. Angel looked over towards where was the alarm clock used to be and grabs his phone. He enters his pin code to his phone and opens a dark web app. He also has a small Santa Muerte figure on his small table. He presses the contracts tab and sees what is on there. He mostly sees contracts that were about hits, bodyguards, or delivery contracts. He didn't feel like do anything today, so he put his phone on the small table that was close to his bed. He begins to get up and stretch his body. While doing this, Angel sounds like multiple glow sticks being crack to light up.

Angel then walks over to one of the doors and pressed a panel that lights up that were right next to the doors. The opened and he enters the hallway. When Angel first saw this place, it was mostly covered in vines or overgrown grass. Some of it was damaged, but he fixes it with the same material since analyzing a chunk of it. The whole place was blue, so Angel has a good enough color mixture to the material, so it doesn't look off. The place looked like to be an important place since it looks like a temple of sorts. He has to almost fix everything because almost everything was broken. He has to include plumbing because he now lives there.

Angel walk through the halls of this place and walked towards the bathroom. He does his usual routine in his bathroom and hope for the better. He then exits the bathroom and walks back to his room. The hallway's floor is cold but that doesn't bother him. He continues walking to his room and pressed the panel that was next to it. He didn't know why the panels only work for him but didn't care since it works. He walked over to a big closet that has a metal door that swings open.

Angel opened the closet and see many outfits that he made. Some of his outfits were military uniforms and some were local clothes that he bought. The other outfits he has were meant for stealth or for straight-up going in guns blazing or sometimes both. Angel is looking through his signature outfits and choosing one of the two. One of them is a helmet that covers the entire head from chin to the back of the head. The helmet has a visor in front of it and it has scratch marks that make a smiley face and x's as eyes. The outfit has ammo magazine pockets in front of it and other pockets on the sides one the pants for more ammo magazines or any other things that he takes with him. It also has an Angel made bulletproof vest, but would only hurt a little since he made it with Gem tech. The outfit comes with a gun holster belt with pockets for other things too. The outfit has a black long sleeves shirt with pants that were also black. The shoes were also black too and a cloak that was not tight or loose but was just right. Angel's other outfit was the same but had a red outline to it but didn't have the scratches. The outfit can't be an Angel outfit if it didn't devil-like Angel wing's symbol on it.

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