Chapter 13: Now, The Weather

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Angel woke up to see that Natalia setting down breakfast on her coffee table she has. It was just pancakes on the plate with butter on it. There was a cup of milk and a syrup bottle next to it with a knife and fork.

Angel says with a sleepy voice, "You don't need to do that."

Natalia says in the kitchen, "Well it will be rude of me by eating in front of you."

"OK, I guess." Angel started to eat his pancakes.

Natalia rolled into the living room and set down her breakfast on the coffee table. Natalia turned on her TV and they just saw cartoons. They eat in silence and had cartoons to watch. The pancakes were good and been added more taste by the butter and syrup. Angel and Natalia were almost finished their breakfast and it looked like Natalia was struggling with her breakfast.

Angel asks, "Do you need help with yours?"

Natalia says with a little bit of pancake in her mouth, "No, I got it."

Natalia looks like she was forcing herself to eat her pancakes. She started to drink her milk and finally she was having no trouble with it. Guess it was a dry throat. Angel and Natalia keep on eating their food. Now they are done eating and were ready to go before they have to do a couple of things. Natalia went to take a shower and changed her clothes. Angel put on the clothes that he had from yesterday and washed the dishes. He felt like doing something nice for her since she gave him food. Natalia finally got out of the show and put on new clothes and put her bead in a towel.

Angel says to Natalia, "I like your new hairstyle."

Natalia says sarcastically, "Ha Ha."

"Well, I soon have to go home real quick to do my stuff."

"Wait." Natalia then turned his chair towards him, "Can I see this so-called BP?"

Angel shrugs, "Sure."

Natalia quickly goes to the bathroom, "Hold up. I need to dry my hair."

Angel is now playing a game on his phone until he heard a blow dryer. Angel continue playing his game and tuned out the sound of the blow dryer. After a while, Natalia came out with a brush in her lap and rolled over into the living room. She then started to brush her hair and Angel was wondering if he can help. Angel got up from his seat and walked towards her. When he went over to her and put his hand out.

Angel says to Natalia, "Give me the brush since you let me sleep over here,"

Natalia asks Angel, "Do you know how to brush hair?"

"Some of my targets had me brush their hair and sometimes I brush my hair."

Natalia looks at Angel's hair, "Your hair is too short to brush at all."

"I used to have long hair to my shoulders."

Natalia looked confused, "Wait, you had long hair?"

"Ya, so?"

"Why did you have long hair?"

"Either for a mission or I didn't know how to cut my hair without leaving uneven hair spots on my head."

Natalia thought for a second and handed Angel the brush, "I hope you know what you're doing since I don't want to be yanked by my hair."

"OK then."

Angel then brushed Natalia's hair by starting from the bottom to make it to the top of her hair. He made sure to brush more her hair and slowly moved up so he doesn't pull her hair. Angel was humming while brushing her hair and Natalia is just watching T.V.

A Hero With A Dark Side (steven universe)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum