Alternate Story 1

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(Thought of making an alternate story about what will happen if the gems found Angel when he was a kid.)

It was a sunny day, the sun was at its highest during that time. There was a strange thing in the middle of the grassy terrain. It lit up and a powerful light radiates from it. Soon a small group of women was on top of it. A red tall one, a small purple one, a white one, and a tall one with pink long hair.

The purple one asks everybody, "What are we doing here again?"

The red one says, "We are here for a gem artifact."

"Thanks, Garnet, but do we have to be here?"

The white one says to the purple one, "Yes Amethyst we have to, so humans won't do anything with it."

"Ya but still Pearl we can take a nap instead."

The pink one says to Amethyst, "Amethyst it's our job to protect them."

"Ya, I know Rose."

They were about to take a step towards their objective, but everybody heard an explosion. Everybody turned there heads around to see where it's coming from and its followed by some bullets being fired.

Amethyst was the first to speak, "Are we gonna do something about that or what?"

Pearl says to Amethyst, "Of course not, we have to worry about the artifact."

Rose asks Garnet, "Do we have enough time to help them?"

Garnet adjusted her visor, "We have enough time."

"OK, then we deal with whatever that sound is coming from and then head towards the artifact."

The Gems rushed towards where the explosion came from. They all see where it came from a small town and saw people laying down covered in blood. Some of the people were wearing a uniform and some people with ordinary clothes. Everybody except Amethyst knew what happened because they saw something like that before. Amethyst was just curious, but she knows that humans supposed to not look like that.

Amethyst asks everybody, "What happened here?"

Garnet answers, "It looks like the humans who were living here, battled here.."

Amethyst was poking some people with a stick and asks, "Hello, human are you awake?"

No response.

"Oh well looks like nothing here, but some humans on the floor with some red stains on them."

Garnet says to Amethyst, "They are dead Amethyst, it's similar to shattering but they don't poof."


Their thoughts were interrupted by more gunfire. They all quickly headed that way while passing through the rubble, destroyed cars, and dead people. All of them looked shocked when running through it all. They didn't know how chaotic it can get if humans fought each other. Everybody stopped behind a corner where all that noise is coming from. Rose signaled the rest of the gems to stay next to the wall while she looks over the corner. She overheard the commotion that some people were talking while a kid had blood on him. It seemed like that some guys were holding guns and one man was playing tug of war with the kid.

A man shouts at the kids, "let go of that sword or we will make you!"

The kid shouts back, "let go or I will kill you!"

The kid kicked the guy's knee and the guy fell down loosened his grip, so the kid pulled the sword and strike the guy with the sword and it was embedded into the guy's skull. The group of guys aimed their guns at the kid and Rose was shocked by how the kid killed that human without hesitation. The kid grabbed the sword out of the guy's skull and charged at the other people. There were only two of them, so it was easy for the kid. They started firing their guns but the kid was quick. The kid slashed through one the guy's knee and stabbed him into his heart. He quickly turned the body, so that he is facing the other guy. The kid used the body as a shield and started running towards the guy that started shooting him.

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