Chapter 20: A lost Palace

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Angel and BP were relaxing on the beach. Angel explained everything that happened when Garnet unfused. BP was surprised at first of what type of Gems were fused, but she already knows that she was a fusion at the start. After Angel explained everything, they both continue to relax and mind their day. Angel quickly check the future and only saw one possible future that he will be bothered by the Gems. He didn't care since he will say no to them. Not even a couple of minutes later, Angel saw Garnet walking towards them. Angel grabbed his drink and took a sip from the bottle that he has with him. Angel thought Garnet wanted to say sorry some more or something to keep his trust in her.

Garnet is now next to Angel, "Angel, I think you might want to see this."

Angel sighs, "And what is it?"

"It's about that symbol on that bird you control that made me and Pearl question about. We were wondering if you knew anything about it?"

"Ya, because I created it."

Garnet question Angel, "Are you sure? We saw a symbol like that, but much older than you."

Angel got up from his seat, "Are you kidding? I created that symbol since I was about ten years old and I have been using that symbol ever since."

BP turned towards them, "I can vouch for Angel. I saw pictures of him and he always had a symbol on the picture or the symbol is on him in those pictures."

Garnet says, "But these symbols are older than Angel. We just need him to see the symbol, that is all."

Angel sighs, "OK, I'll go with you, but in one condition."

Garnet asks, "And what would that be?"

"You have to carry be on your shoulders."

"Fine, but why do you ask for requests that Steven might have wanted?"

"Because you guys want me to go somewhere I don't want to go. That's why I ask for requests that sometimes might be.... ridiculous."

"That seems fair."

Angel turns towards BP, "Want to come?"

BP thought about it for a second, "No, since most of the situations you describe in the past were mostly..... dangerous."

"Fair enough."

Angel is now on Garnet's shoulders and is currently walking towards the temple. Angel somewhat laid on top of Garnet's hair and has his head resting on top of her hair.

Angel says, "Your hair is a soft as Ruby's hair."

Garnet smiles, "Really?"

"Ya, since you and Ruby are almost the same person, but also occupied by somebody else too."

"You can put it that way."

Angel fluff Garnet's hair, "Fluff, fluff, fluff."

Garnet giggles a little, "Your acting like a child."

"I haven't much of a childhood."

"What do you mean?"

"I have to grow up fast, so I can live and because of that, I have to get rid of childish things, but since I got free time, I can act like how I want to act."

"I'm glad you feel like that."

"But also sometimes my past can haunt me where ever I go."

Garnet got an idea, "If you want to talk to somebody, you can always talk to us."

"I know, it just feels weird to talk about."

"Just take your time when you are ready to talk. The Gems and I aren't pressuring you."

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