Chapter 30: Meeting The Original Crystal Gem

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Angel was now in his outfit floor. He was deciding what type of outfit he would choose since he didn't want other Crystal Gems to notice his outfit from today. He kept on walking past each display case and looked for which one he should choose. He has to choose wisely because he didn't want Rose to remember him.

Angel looks through each display and walking, "Which one, which one? All of them are mysterious but which one?"

Angel then looked at an outfit and stopped walking. The outfit was all black and have red outlines. The gloves and mask were all black and that made him not worry about choosing colors. The mask covered his face so he didn't need to worry about it. He opened the display case puts it on. It was similar to his regular outfit, so it was not much of a change.

Angel walks towards the elevator and there was a duffel bag. He already knows since he already picked his gear. BP already knows his plan and agrees with him. He was thinking of fusing with BP since they would look like nothing today, but that would make them seem more like a gem. He unzipped the duffel bag and pulled out three things. He pulled out his bird, brain connector, and The Hourglass Glove. He lifted his mask up from behind his neck and put the chip behind his neck. He heard a little noise but can only be heard from the user. He puts down his mask so it would cover his chip. He leans down and grabs his bird and puts it in his pocket. He leaned back down to grab The Hourglass Glove and puts it one. He puts it underneath his regular glove so that nobody can see what he has on his glove.

Angel was now ready to time travel to his destination. He wanted to know what the so-called Rose Quartz is really like. He already knows what she looked like so that won't be a problem for him. He already has a plan to get her away from the other Crystal Gems so it would be easier to not mess with the timeline.

Angel raised his arm, "Take me to a year before Greg met Rose Quartz."

There was a flash of light that consumed the floor and Angel was teleported above ground. He saw the place where his home was supposed to be and it was filled with trees. He looked around to see if it really is Beach City. He ran out of the woods and towards Beach City. Each footstep sounded more like somebody stepping on grass then stepping on dirt. The road that he created now had trees and grass. Some roots were coming out of the ground and Angel has to jump over the roots. When he finally was out of the forest, he saw Beach City more of a newer Beach City. He wanted to explore Beach City so he can see what the local residents of Beach City looked like before when he first saw them.

Angel started to run into Beach City and ignoring others who try to speak with him. Everything looked new and looked as if everybody drank The Fountain Of Youth. He also wanted to see Greg when he was younger but didn't want to expose his secret identity to others. Angel heard somebody who worked in a fry stand.

The guy asks, "Hey, do you want some-" Angel ran past the fry stand, "OK then."

Angel kept on running towards the hill. The hill had a lighthouse on top of it. Angel ran towards the lighthouse and it looked like it has been there for a year or two compared to the lighthouse that was on the hill in his time. He was right next to the lighthouse and saw the beach. He walked more closer to the edge of the hill and looked down the cliff. There was no house and just a giant statue. The statue looked newer and less damage to it. There was also no fence that Pearl put up so now he has more information that it is the past. Angel began to climb the top of the lighthouse. It was somewhat hard to climb without blades or any grips to climb up. He wanted to use his powers so that he won't need to climb the lighthouse but didn't want to expose himself.

Angel was now on top of the lighthouse but was kinda sweaty because of the climb. He laid against the wall and slid down it with his back against it. He took a breather and thought of the many ways his plan could fail. He could expose himself and make the Gems more worry about his presence in the present. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his bird. He laid it next to him and tried to fix his sitting position. He thought of laying flat on the ground but he wanted a good impression at first. He put his knee up while sitting against the wall of the lighthouse. He then closed his eyes and he is beginning to link with his bird.

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