Chapter 27: Calm But Dangerous

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BP was sleeping in her room and then just woke up. BP's room change by having her room look more black and elegant. She has a gaming console and the same connections as the TV that is in the living room. She went up to a dresser with a mirror. She grabs one of her brushes and started brushing her hair while humming. She keeps thinking about what she is going today since it was snowy outside. She then puts down her brush and walks out of the room. The first thing she sees is that there was no TV and the couches were gone too. Instead, there were two-one seater couches that looked as if it was fit for royalty. There was also a fireplace in which the TV was at. BP walked closer and sees Angel was in a blanket with a big cup in hand. Angel was on one of the chairs that were pointed towards the fireplace.

BP walks up to Angel, "What happened to all of our stuff?"

Angel took a sip from his cup, "I moved it somewhere else and I want to sit down and relax." He then took another sip from his cup.

BP walks over to the other seat and sits on it.

BP hears the crackling of the fireplace and feels relaxed. She sees the fireplace and sees the flames were covering the wood. She was almost in a trance with the fireplace and seeing the wood crumble in the fire. It as if BP was seeing something amazing until she was knocked out of her trance by Angel throwing more wood into the fire. Angel pokes the wood a little to get the fire to last longer. BP saw that Angel has a smile on his face and he went back to his seat. BP was a little weirded out that Angel kept on smiling. BP wanted to know why, but Angel was happy at least.

It has been past a couple of hours and BP was now getting concerned why Angel is smiling for so long. BP wanted to ask but didn't want to since Angel is being happy and didn't want to ruin it by asking him. BP got up from her chair and walked back to her room. She walks towards her phone and started calling Steven. She wanted to call somebody close to Angel since Steven and Angel were the closets.

Steven answers, "Hello?"

BP asks Steven, "Can you come over?"

Steven asks BP, "Is everything OK?"

"Yes and no, It just Angel has been in his chair and smiling for the past hours."

"And that is not normal?"

"No, he just sometimes watches TV and always has a plain facial expression, but the weird thing is that he replaced everything in the living room with good chairs and something that looked like a place to keep a fire."

Pearl says, "At least he made his living space better."

BP was a little confused, "Steven?"

Steven says, "Ya, sorry I put my phone on speaker."

BP sighs, "Can you please come over to check on Angel?"

"We'll be there in a while."

"Thank you." She then ended the phone, "I hope you guys can help me."

BP walks back to the living room and took her seat. BP looked towards Angel and still see him having a big smile and sipping his drink. BP was only worried about Angel because of his actions. She never saw Angel this happy and wonders why he is acting that way. Soon the Crystal Gems and Steven knocked on the door.

Steven knocks on the door, "Hello?"

BP answers the door, "Greeting."

Garnet asks BP, "You called?"

BP opens the door fully, "Please, come in."

The Crystal Gems and Steven walked inside the house. The Gems and Steven saw the changes and they all looked surprised. When they saw Angel, they thought he was normal but when they saw his smile and they were a little surprised.

A Hero With A Dark Side (steven universe)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora