Chapter 31: Loved Ones

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Angel walks up to one of the display cases and puts away the outfit that he used when he used the Hourglass. He then walked up to one of the display cases that have an outfit that has a red outline to it and a helmet to cover his face. He took the outfit but didn't put on his ammo pouches and other stuff. He only put on his outfit and helmet. He was now pumping himself up so he can gain more courage. He was jumping up and down, moving left and right.

Angel keeps telling himself, "You can do this, you can do this."

Angel heard the elevator going up. He was not expecting anybody to use the elevator but then he remembers that he gave some passcodes to BP. He waited for the elevator to come back down to see BP. The elevator was now on the same floor as Angel and it opened. BP walked out of the elevator with a worried look. She walked up to Angel and still have that worried look.

BP asks Angel with worry, "How did it go?"

Angel says to BP, "Well, I left an impression when I left."

BP was now curious, "A good or bad impression?"

"I think bad."

"What did you do?"

Angel rubs the back of his neck, "I broke my bird's neck."

BP grew wide-eyed, "Why?"

"To leave an impression."

BP rubs her forehead, "I thought you be friendly and speak what's on your mind."

Angel throws his arms up, "Which one?"

"Just, what are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to visit some people."

"Back in time?"

"Back in time."

Angel was then teleported out of the room.

BP asks herself, "I wonder who he is going to meet?"

Angel was now in a blue hallway. He knows the hallway since he fixed it. He started to walk around, hoping that he bumped into him. He then started to run and didn't want to waste time searching for him. He already knows his favorite spot but wanted to see him badly. He kept on running and running and only sees hallway after hallway. Each hallway looked either have designs or not. He remembers that he used to be creative with designs because he wanted to expand his mind on outfit designs. He was hoping not to meet his younger self, so he won't mess up the timeline but he does remember somebody in his halls before. He knows he is getting close because he is close to the entrance. He started to hear claws scratching the floor and already know who he is close by.

Angel was now next to the door that leads to the exit. He stopped running and leaned into the door, so he can see what he thinks is true. He saw Ace chasing his tail and looked young. Angel started to cry and was holding the door hard enough that there indents of his fingers. Angel has little strength to walk over to Ace. He knows that if he told his past self about the events that led to Ace's death, he would be always cautious around Ace and wouldn't bring him out to the field. Angel started to walk down the stairs and Ace heard Angel's footsteps. Ace looked at Angel with a confused look while Angel kept going downstairs. Ace sniffed the air for Angel's scent but was confused because of how he smelled like past Angel. Angel was now at the bottom of the stairs and started to walk towards Ace. Ace started to growl at Angel because of the uncertainty of him being past Angel. Angel started to walk slowly towards Ace so that he won't be bitten by Ace.

Angel says to Ace, "Hey, hey, hey, it's me, Angel."

Ace still at his guard.

Angel then pulled out a dog treat from his pocket, "Hey, don't you like these? There are your favorite aren't they."

A Hero With A Dark Side (steven universe)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu