Alternate Story 2

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(This is another story of instead Sapphire survived during the pregnancy and returned to Blue Diamond as of planned since the beginning. Sapphire's ship carried a machine that made Sapphire survive the pregnancy by grabbing nutrients from the Earth. It was a small amount of nutrients been taken from Earth, but it would recover.)

Sapphire is currently in her ship holding her new baby on her small throne. BP is piloting the ship to the Human Zoo. They are both meeting Blue Diamond there since bringing a mixed baby that is part Gem and human. Sapphire was cradling the baby and sometimes the baby would reach out to grab one of Sapphire's fingers. Sapphire moved her hair out to the side, so the baby can see her face better. Soon later they all made it to the Human Zoo.

BP said while staring at the computers of the ship, "We are currently two minutes away from the Human Zoo, my Sapphire."

Sapphire then moved her hair back, so that it's covering her eye, "Thank you for notifying me, Pearl."

They later landed into the bay area for the ships and were exiting the ship. Sapphire was holding the baby close to her, so she won't let go. Usually, its weird for a Sapphire to hold something but she didn't care because it's her child. BP is following Sapphire and was using her fan to look like she was covering her gem. Sapphire knew that there were Amethyst guards, but she was hoping they won't give her a hard time.

Amethyst guard 1 says with a strong tone of voice, "State your purpose."

Sapphire says in her usual cold tone of voice, "I am here to deliver a human to the zoo if Blue Diamond agrees with my delivery."

Before the Amethyst guard could speak they heard high heels steps coming from inside the halls and coming closer. Soon it shows A Holly Blue Agate was walking towards them and then stopped and corrected the positioning of her foot when she stopped.

Holly Blue says with a furious voice, "What are you miscreants talking about?" She then notices Sapphire, "Why haven't one of notifying me about a Sapphire being here?"

Amethyst guard 1 didn't know what to say, but guard 2 spoke up, "She just got here."

Holly Blue scoffed it off and says, "I'm sorry for there rudeness, your clarity." She laughed a little, "They're from the earth."

Sapphire says, "We all have to forgive the past to be in the future."

Holy Blue reacted as if she was given a piece of advice that she was missing from her life "Such wisdom." She faced the Amethyst guard "Ahem! apologize!"

Both of them saluted and says, "We're sorry." They both been punch by Holy Blue, so they can correct their sentence, "We're sorry, your clarity."

Holly Blue then says, "I notice you brought a human to the zoo. If you would, your clarity that we immediately bring this human to the zoo." Holly Blue was reaching to grab the baby, but stopped.

Sapphire shouts, "NO!" Everybody flinches back except for BP, "I mean, Blue Diamond would like to see the human I brought in since she wants to see it."

"O-of course, your clarity. Follow me."

BP and Sapphire followed Holy Blue to a pink room that is filled with rose quartz's gems bubble. Sapphire sat down while BP stands right behind her with her fan-folded behind her. 

Sapphire moved her son enough to see her child's face, "You are the most cutest thing in the universe."

The baby giggled a little then Sapphire started kissing him and then started to giggle more. Sapphire then stand up and walked towards BP.

Sapphire then says, "Hold him for me, Pearl."

BP then grabbed the baby, "Of course, my Sapphire." She put her handheld fan into her gem.

BP holds him close by her gem and the baby started reaching for her gem. BP flinched a little because he was touching her gem. Sapphire wanted BP to at least hold her son when he was young and had a feeling of holding one. BP started looking like she was feeling uncomfortable and Sapphire notice it. Sapphire then grabbed her son and by the time she pulled him close to her, he started touching her gem. Sapphire didn't care about it and was happy that he was curious. 

Soon the doors to the room open and Blue Pearl entered the door and so does Blue Diamond. Blue Pearl walked right next to BP.

BP saluted and both Sapphire and BP say, "My Diamond."

Blue Diamond says, "Sapphire, I heard you have accomplished your goal."

Sapphire replies, "Yes, my diamond."

"May I see the new human that you call your child?"

"Of course, my Diamond."

Blue diamond brings down her hand so that Sapphire can go on it. She then raised her hand up when Sapphire was on it with her child. Sapphire raised her child to Blue diamond eye while showing his gem.

The baby then giggled and Blue Diamond says, "So it is what you say is true. You did have a human offspring that has a gem."

Sapphire says, "Yes, my diamond."

Blue diamond then started touching  the baby with her finger with little pressure as possible, "Look at him, he is like a small human with a gem on him."

Sapphire was worried about her child since Blue Diamond can squish him even when she can see into the future that she won't.

Blue Diamond asks Sapphire, "Would it be better for your child to stay at Homeworld or here at the Zoo?"

Sapphire wants to see her child being safe, but doesn't want to be apart from him, "Homeworld will be the best option for me and my little one."

Blue Diamond didn't question it and was glad that something from Pink's planet is going to be on HomeWorld.

Blue diamond asks Sapphire, "What is the baby's name?"

Sapphire says to Blue Diamond, "His name is Angel."

Blue Diamond then walked towards the door, "Come with me, Sapphire. We must go to Homeworld before Yellow would question why we brought him."

Blue Diamond, Sapphire, and the Pearls exit the room and continue through the hallway. They may have some looks because they have a human child with them. They made it to the ship bay area until Blue Diamond stopped walking which made everyone else stop walking.

Blue Diamond then turned around to face Sapphire, "Do you want him to have a separate room from yours?"

Sapphire says, "Yes because he might want some privacy for his own."

They both entered their ships with their Pearl's and flew towards Home World. Sapphire then thought about what will happen to her child. She then opened the communication line to Blue Diamond and Blue Pearl was there to answer.

Blue Pearl asks with a shy voice, "This is Blue Diamond's communication line, who authorized this call?"

Sapphire says, "I would like to talk to Blue Diamond."

Blue Pearl saw who it was, "Of course."

The screen then turned to Blue Diamond "Yes, Sapphire?"

"What will happen to my child?"

"If he is responsible enough, he should have duties, so that he has a purpose in Homeworld, but right now you don't have to worry about any harm to him until I explain the situation to Yellow and hopefully she agrees with me and if anybody would harm him, they would be properly be punished."

That took some weight off Sapphire's gem.

Blue Diamond continues, "And he would also have the rank as a Sapphire since he has a Sapphires gem."

"Thank you, Blue Diamond, for this."

Blue Diamond smiles a little and ended the call. By the time they landed at Homeworld, Sapphire was escorted by some Ruby soldiers to her room that she has. She had eyes on her since she was carrying something with her and not BP. By the time they all made it to her room, BP waited next to the door and Sapphire walked to her balcony.

She turned Angel towards the lights of Homeworld, "Soon one day, you would have the opportunity to explore the wonders of Homeworld."

Angel then giggled and Sapphire turned him towards her, so she can kiss him on his cheeks.

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